MISSILDINE’S PHARMACY “The Rexall Store” Phone No. 4 Your Neighborhood Druggist for Over Half A Century. MRS. ANNIE STEPP Funeral services for Mrs. Annie Stepp, 59, native of Polk County and resident here for 40 years, who died Thursday night at her home, 218 Chestnut Street, were conducted in the chapel at Berry man Funeral Home Sunday. The Rev. W. Perry Crouch offi ciated. Interment was in River side Cemetery.”1 Surviving are a son, J. B. Stepp, of Asheville; two sisters, Mrs. C. L. Shytle of Asheville, and Mrs. Maggie Atkins of South Carolina; two brothers, Garfield and Sam McCurray, both of Hendersonville, and several nieces and nephews.— Asheville Citizen. $150.00 NEEDED The Polk County Council of So cial Agencies still lacks $150 of its quota. This money is needed right here in Polk County to provide nursing service for the sick and bed-ridden and also to buy shoes, clothing and fuel for our less for tunate neighbors. The following is a list of the most recent con tributors : Daniel P. Mitchell, Ned Rey nolds, Mrs. Ralph Erskine, Miss Agnes Clark, Col. Arthur Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George Bay, Mrs. Joel Stockard, Mrs. James R. Dunn, Miss Frances Hudson, Mrs. C. A. Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Ballew, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery Whaling, Col. and Mrs. W. A. Schilletter, Judge Robert Marx, Mr. and Mrs. Prentice Luckey, Mrs. Ray Spooner, George A. Donoghue, Try on Processing Co., Mr. and Mrs. A. L.' Bahler, Mrs. Wayne V. CKNeil, Mirs. Hortense Adaftis, Miss Mary Adams, R. S. Holden, Mrs. W. H. Burten shaw. Dr. and Mrs. George F. Taylor, George S. Jenks, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Brady, Mrs. C. B. Reed, Miss Helen Stearns. FOR RENT: One 4-room hiuse located at Lynn; also one 3-/005 apartmen tfurnished at Lym O. Story, Lynn, 1ST. C. ft&ne 9188-J.—Adv. 9, 12, 17. \ LISTINGS W/ - To sell and rent;, farm propes NTER 'city/or farm property. / Tom Costa, Cartcr/Brown, Ernest Telephone i< OK KHiJNT: Fine lZ-acrp^peach orchard in an excellprix con dition. Being pAmed now. Produc ed better than 8,000 -bushels last ;year. I live in Michigan and am unable to aevelpp orchard it should be done./Will make gwjy proposition. See/Harrison Bridge man, Tryon, li/C., Phone 101 or 434-J.—Adv. e.o.d.tf. ' WANTED EXPERIENCED HOOKEI rug\ craftsmen/ 23c to $W per s^uarO ft. Apply to: Heritage Guild workshop Saluda, N. C. Refreshing Lunfch jfS Coca-Cola Bottling Company Forest City, N. C.