SALUDA NEWS NOTES By Mrs. Roy L. Johnson. The Parent-Teachers Association will meet on October 14th at 3 p. m. Miss High Smith of Raleigh will be the speaker and will have a picture show free to the public. She will speak on being X-Rayed for tuberculosis in November when they will be in Saluda several days. All parents are*especiallly expected to attend, who are interested in their children and their school. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Miller attend ed a family reunion Sunday at the Fibre Company recreation grounds near Canton. Mrs. Miller’s broth er, C. E. Fisher, who lives in Al toona, Pa., came to Saluda with them Sunday and left for his home on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. David Gavin of St. George, S. C., are at the Fairview House for a few days. The Auxiliary meeting of the Presbyterian Church met with Mrs. Augusta LLeland Tuesday. After the active meeting, a church sup per was planned to be given soon. Mrs. Laura S. Snyder was a delegate to the consecration of the Rev. Matthew George Henry, who was made bishop of the diocese of Western North Carolina at Trinity Episcopal Church in Asheville be fore returning home, Mrs. Snyder visited her son, John 0. Darby, and family of Asheville. Mts. Burgess Johnson is in the Patton Memorial Hospital in Hen dersonville and is reported recup erating nicely after an operation last week-end. FOR SALE: Flag Stone, Quar ried , Building Stone; also Field Stone. Write or see J. C. Wil liams, Lynn, N. C.—Adv. fri. tf. Brock Transfer and Storage Co., Inc. Local and long distance mov ing; crating, packing, shipping. Box 541. Phone 1446, or 663, Spar tanburg, S. C. P. A. Carey, Jr.. Manager.—Adv. tu. fri. tf. WOMAN’S FRIEND Wringer type Washing Machines, with a 6 year guarantee. Reliable washer builders for 47 years. Immediate delivery. Porter’s, East Flat Rock, Phone 1083-J.—Adv. 1, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 19, 20, 22p. FOR RENT: One 5-room apart ment; one 4-room apartment; one 3-room apartment furnished; and one 4-room house. See C. O. Story, Lynn. Phone 9188-J.—Advertise ment 23, 27, 30, oct. 4, 8p. FOR DELIVERY NOW: Coal Heaters, all sizes, wood heaters, and oil heaters. Come in and select one before winter arrives. Andrews Furniture & Appliance Co., Inc. Tryon.—Adv. tf. Buescher True Tone Trombone in A No. 1 condition. Silver finish, with gold bell. Mrs. W. A. Myers, 1328-5th Ave. West. Henderson ville, N. C.—Adv. 6, 7, 8p. *• More visitors will be in Tx next week for the State Fox Hunt ers Assn, than can ne taken care of by the hotels. If you have rooms available, please notify Elbert F. N'anney, phone 303-J.—Adv. 7, 8. Moonlite Theatre (Show starts at early dark) (1 mi. above Inman. Adults 35c; children in car under 12, free. In dividual speakers with volume con trol. T. J. Hannon. Manager). THURSDAY and FRIDAY “GENTLEMAN JOE PALOOKA” SATURDAY, ONLY . “Song of Jhe SierrQ CITIZENS OF POLK COUNTY j Saturday, Oct. 9th | Registration Books will be at all polling places thru out the county to accept New Registrants