The Tryon Daily Bulletin The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor 5c Per Copy_TRYON, N. C„ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1948 Published. Daily Except (Est. 1-31-28) Saturday and Sunday(Vol. 21-—No. 179) ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE P08T0FFICE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGBE88, MARCH 3, 1879 £ Weather Monday : High 71, low 49. This is a busy week for every member of the family. The young folks are all getting ready for Hallowe’en and the grown-ups are having parties, meetings, and poli tical preparations for the General Election to select a president and many other officers. In Tryon people who are so busy don’t com plain of the many things to do but of not having enough hours in a day in which to do them. The Curb Reporter has 12 civic jobs in ad dition to the ones he uses to make a living. He is not alone. There ap. many others overloaded with V Jb responsibilities. At one time CHroll Rogers was on 18 different committees and boards. Charlie Lynch probably had more jobs. John G .Landrum, Jr., K. A. Bow en, Dr. C. W. McCall, Wm. M. Spivey, R. E. Brantley, F. P. Bacon, B. L. Ballenger, Elbert Ar ledge, J. T. Arledge, R. O. An drews, C. D. Stevens. J. A. Wilson, Enoch Prather, Nelson Jackson, Jr., J. B .Hester, Sr., John W. Cowan, A. L. Covington, M. R. MJcCown, N. L. Wilson, all have. multiple civic jobs. Too many. But thejre are not enough volunteer civic workers to go around. There are some men not mentioned who --Continued on Back Page_ MRS. CLARA WHEELER Mill Spring, N. C.—Funeral ser vices for Mrs. Clara Belle Wheeler, 64, will be conducted Tuesday at 4 at the White Oak Baptist Church by the Revs. Robert Brooks and A. C. Martin. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Mrs. Wheeler, formerly of Land rum, died Sunday morning at St. Luke’s hospital. Pallbearers will be: Clyde Pack, Terry Culbreath, Bob Shehan, L. F. Schroyer, Dexter Thompson and John Dalton. Surviving are: 3 sons, Miles, William L. and James T. O’Sulli van, all of Mill Spring; 5 daugh ters, Mrs. Ellen Levinia Ledford of Landrum, Mrs, Johnny Arbuckle of San Pedro, Cal., Mrs. B. H. Allen of Merced, Cal., Mrs. Hicks Mc Abee and Mrs. James Edwards of Mill Spring; 2 brothers, H. L. and Oran Morrow both of Cowpens; one sister, Mrs. M. E. Alberson of Clifton and 14 grandchildren. HOSPITAL NEWS * Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thompson of Tryon are the parents of a son born Monday at 7:55 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Jackson of Saluda are the parents of a daugh ter born Tuesday at 4:30 a. m. New patients admitted to St. Luke’s hosptial include Mrs. Melvin Phillips, Tryon; Mrs.f John W. Lankford, Tryon, and Hattie Car man (colored), Tryon. Patients discharged include, Mrs. T. E. Kell and baby boy, Tryon; Mrs. Clarence Cox and twin baby boys, Landrum; Clarence Henson, Lynn and Miss ’Sybie Head, Co lumbus.