COMMUNICATIONS Nov. 5th, 1948 Editor Daily Bulletin: To those of your subscribers who were disappointed and shocked by the election results, and who fear the consequences, it might be well to remind them of the words of H. G. Wells β€œIn the development of intellectual modesty lies the growth of statesmanship.” If Truman will measure up to this high standard of leadership all will go well with our country. If he does not then it will be time to really worry. Courtland Smith. LANDRUM NEWS By Miss Margie Daniel β€ž Miss Frances Mason spent the week-end with her family in Chilhowie, Va. Mrs. Myrtle Brady of Green ville is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brady and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Brady. A. G. Dempsey has been elected president of the Landrum Beta Club for the coming year at Land rum High School. Carrie Wolford was named vice president; Jerry Dempsey, secre tary; Jack Bedenbaugh, treasurer; and Adell Bedenbaugh, reporter. The social committee includes: Bob Smith, John Plumley and Genell Wagner. On the program commit tee are Ed Andrews, Collette New man and Joe Lee. Mrs. M. A. Woodward and sons have returned to their home in Aiken after spending two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Austin. Mrs. Max Watts had as her guests last Sunday, her brother, and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bunn Gulledge and Mr. and Mrs. David Gulledge of Rock Hill. Miss Olga Tucker of Spartan burg spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Tucker. SUBSCRIPTION RATES FOR THE BULLETIN ,1 year in County..... $3.00 1 year Elsewhere__$4.00 6 months in County___$2.00 6 months Elsewhere _____$2.5o To the Democratic Workers of Polk County: Now that the General Election of November 2nd., has passed into history, I wish to take this oppor tunity of thanking the party work ers who made possible the great est Democratic victory which has ever occurred in Polk County. With the largest vote, cast, and the lar gest Democratic majority rolled up in the history of the County, we have every reason to be proud of the outcome. This could not have been accomplished, had it not been for the fine calibre of all the can didates on our ticket, and the splen aid and unselfish work done by our party workers. So I wish to tl^|^ the Democratic Precinct Chai^JP^ and Vice-Chairmen, and their com mittees, and also the Young Demo crats of Polk County, and their Chairman, as well as all those workers who, in more or less prom inent positions, gave unstintingly of their time and effort to bring victory to the Democratic stand ard. The result showed what the Democracy of Polk County can ac complish when factional strife is eliminated, and every one works for the good of the Party. It has been a great personal pleasure to me to have been associated with you all in this historic election, and I appreciate more than I can tell you, your helofulness in m^ effort to carrv out my duties as vour Countv Chairman. I ecnecial ly aopreciate the fine work done by the women of our Partv, out whose help and interest i^pP matters affecting the Partv fare, this great victory could not have been achieved. Yours very truly, Carroll P. Rogers, Chairman Democratic Executive Committee of Polk County. (Paid Political Adv) advertising rates IN THE BULLETIN Per Page __j____.... $7.50 Half-Page _$3.75 Per Inch ___ .50 More than one insertion, per inch_ .40