Published Daily Except (Est. 1-31-28)Saturday and Sunday(Vol. 21—No. 188) ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICB AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 The Tryon Daily Bulletin The World'8 Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor 5c Per Copy TRYON, N. C., MONDAY, NOV. 8TH, 1948 Weather Friday: High 69, low 62, rain .12; Saturday high 72, low 64, rain 1.12; Sunday high 72, low 48. . . Mrs. James C. Kinloch, field worker for the American Red Cross, has been called to Mississip pi to'assist the destitute in the area affected by the recen£ torna do there . . . Tryon Bank '& Trust Co., and the Post Offices through out the nation will be closed all day Thursday, Nov. 11, for Arm istice Day. A movement is on foot in Tryon for the stores to close Jjjjjjarsday afternoon during the ^Kball game between Tryon and Forest City. It will be “Home coming” for Tryon and the foot ball backers want a large crowd of homefolk out to see the game and enjoy the spirit of the occa sion .... The Bulletin roses go today to Dwight L. Sawhill, former Westinghouse executive, who Js leaving Tryon after a five-year stay here to regain his health. He is having to return to the East to look after business interests. While here Mr. Sawhill contributed as much of his time and energv to civic causes as his health would permit. Having a statistical type of mind, he was thorough in every thing he did and made an excellent treasurer of the Congregational _Continued on Back Paae_ CHILD DIES FROM BURNS Judith Greenway, four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Greenway of Tryon Route One, died at 6 a. m., today in Spartan burg General Hospital as the re sult of severe burns on both arms, abdomen and neck. Her clothing caught on fire Sunday when she was playing with matches. She was admitted at the hospital about noon. Besides her parents, the deceas ed is survived by three brothers, Calvin, Thomas S. Jr., and Don; also five sisters, Mrs. Edith Garri son of Spartanburg; Mrs. Annie Lee Whitmire of Inman, and Misses Patsy, Mary and Eula Mae Green way of Tryon Route 1. Funeral services will be held on Tuesday at 2 p. m., at the Mill Creek Church of the "Brethren in Green Creek section with Rev. C. C. Kurtz, officiating. Burial in church cemetery. COX CHILD DIES Betty Jean Cox, two-weeks-old twin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox, died at 10 p. m., Sunday night. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 4 o’clock at Ingleside Baptist Church near Landrum. Burial in church cemetery. Besides her parents the deceased is survived by her twin brother, Bobby Jack, and an older brother, Dean. ‘MALE ANIMAL’ TONIGHT The Little Theatre group will practice tonight at the Try on school auditorium instead of the recrea tion room. “The Male Animal” will be 09 the stage at 7:30, Miss El mina Wages announces.