Jean Arledge Crooned Queen Miss Jear Ar ieuge. daughter of Mt. arid Mrs. Homer Arledge, was crowned queen at the Tryon Home coming celebration at Harmon Field. Thursday, Nov. 11. Armis tice Day. Sne was electee by the Tryon football squad ana crowned bv Cant Lea Burrell at half time during the Tryon-Forest City foot ball game before a crowd of ap proximately 2,000 people. Runners up in the voting were Misses Betty Wallace. Jetty Gib sox: and Martha Bishop. FIRE DESTROYS HOME The Tryon Fire Department was called out Thursday night between 10 and 11 o’clock to the home of John Tyson, colored, in the colored section above the railway station. The house burned to the ground before the firemen could save it. The fire was believed to have start ed from the stove flue. Furniture, clothes, and nersona! belongings were a total loss. There- was no insurance. Another fire at the house of Crayton Harris, colored, v’as dis covered on the fire department’s re turn trip before the second alarm had had time to reach their,. This fire was also believed to have start ed from a stove flue. There was very little damage. As a result of the fire fighting. Volunteer Fireman Clyde Tharp was slightly burned, and Fireman Robert Dedmondt. was taken to St. Luke’s hospital suffering from exhaustion. FOR SALE Nine A l^ice Old Room Horn®! Within ten minutes walk of down town Try on. The view is excellent. Overlooking a wide range of various mountains. Re model to suit your taste. If sold within 10 days, the nrice is only Sffi.OOO. For information in office over A&P store. E. a BALLED Have \ ou Tried Our Delicious BIG MILK SHAKES Plenty of parkin? space. Enjoy curb service or visit our booth. Hours during: winter from 8 a, m, to 6 p. to., except on ends when the time "will be governed according: to rush of businesses Butler's Ice Creai ITS GOOD .... A PERFECT DESSERT PINTS, 30c QUARTS, 55c For the Family or Parties—Buy It In Half Gallon Lots at 95c, It Saves Too Money . BUTLER’S BAIRY