The Tryon Daily Bulletin The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper Seth M. Vining, Editor 5c Per Copy_TRYON, N. C.. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17, 1948 Published Daily Except (Est. 1-31-28)Saturday and Sunday(Vol. 21—No. 195) ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFIC1 AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3. 1879 wearner luesaay: mgn /u, low 33. Dwight L. Sawhill’s four-year monthly average weather report is published elsewhere in this issue. It is the average temper ature at three different times each day at 8:30 a. m., 4 p. m., and 10 p. m., the hours a person is usually up and feels the tem perature. So when you hear about those extremely cold days and hot days, just get out this daily aver age for four years and remember that day in and day out the weath er here is pretty good on an aver age. At no time did the aver tee get below freezing, nor above Paste Mr. Sawhill’s weather report on a book or some place where you can keep it . . . Harmon Field road will be busy this after noon with cars going to the Wild life turkey shoot and field trials at Harmon Field and to the Garden Club Mill Farm. Both organizations are interested in conservation in order for all members to enjoy as much of na ture’s resources as possible. Unlaw ful hunters can kill off all wild life and unlawful flower sellers can do the same thing with the natural beauty that belongs to all the people .... Dick Runkle, Tryon’s new candid photographer, has i*i _Covtinved ov Back P%ge THE NARROWS BOUGHT Royal Fowler, poet-farmer of Cornwall, Conn., has bought Mrs. Florence Bannard Adams’ White Oak Mountain estate, The Nar rows, and plans to spend at least half of each year there. Mr. Fowler is a graduate of Yale University and is a well-known poet. Sale made through Tryon Real Estate Company. Mrs. Adams bought the Harriet Taylor-Farley house last spring and it is now occupied by her daughter, Mrs. J. B. Greene and family. The Narrows has been host to many distinguished guests, among the most noted being Mrs. Calvin Coolidge, a close friend of Mrs. Adams. The Narrows was once owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ludlum, who sold it to the late Otto Bannard. uncle of Mrs. Adams. ATTEND SCOUT MEETING R. H. Brady, K. A. Bowen, B. B. Flynn and Laxton Hamrick attend ed the annual Scouter-Cubber “Round-Up” of the Piedmont Coun cil, Tuesday night at Gardner Webb college at Boiling Springs. The leaders were divided into va rious groups for study of special phases of Scouting. Flynn Nominated Scout Head B. B. Flynn was elected chair man of the Polk County Boy Scout organization Tuesday night at the executive meeting of the Piedmont Council held at Gardner-Webb col lege. Mr. Flynn has served for several years on the Boy Scout Board of Review, Troop Commit tees and Scouter Club.