Thermal Belt Basketball News Tryon trimmed Saluda at Sa luda Thursday night 40 to 20. Vin ing and Brock led the winners in the scoring column. The in dividual scoring of the teams are as follows: Tryon, Bridgeman ?; Ford 5; Vining 13; Brock 10; Gibson 2; D. Beatson 2; Lewellyn, 0; A. Beatson 0; Mize 0; Hines, 0; Forester. Saluda, Egerton 3; B. Pace 4; Staton 4; Cooper 4; Nabors 5; N. Pace 0 ; J. Ward 0; L. Thompson 0. Wednesday night Landrum de feated Berkeley Mills of Hen dersonville 31 to 28 in an extra period basketball thrillers in an exhibition game at Landrum. Thursday night Landrum smash ed Holly Springs 57 to 34 in a Thermal Belt league game. Grey Gosnell, with 10 points led the scoring for the winners while Clayton’s 11 points was tops for Holly Springs; The individual scoring was as follows: Landrum, Taylor 9; Brady 8; Cox 8; Pat ton 5; Melholland 2; Gib Gosnell, 5; Rogers 4 Dean Gosnell 0; Bag wel 0; Grey Gosnell 10; Wright 0; Wolf 2; Bridges 2. Holly Springs, Joe Bryant 4; John Bryant 6; Clayton 11; Dur ham 1; Clayton 6; Howard 2; Rogers 0; Cooper 6; Fowler 0; Davis 2; Johnson 2. LOST: Gold Pin in shape of feather. Finder please call 262. Reward.—Adv. 3, 6, 7,p Subscription to The Bulletin, out of County $4; in County. $3. Let Us Bring Out the Hidden Beauty of Your Hair ;! Have Your Permanent ;> !; Created Individually !; j! For You! j! J;Rayett and Helen Curtis Cold!’ ]>Waves, Steam Cream Waves.;; jiTryon Beauty Shopij !l Mrs. Kathleen Miller, Owner '! $ Over Western Union Tel. 176;! ARE YOU GOING TO SEE “THE MALE ANIMAL” ON MONDAY OR TUESDAY NIGHT? Of course it’s only a ques tion of which night because everyone is planning to see this hilarious Broadway hit, Being put on by the Tryon Little Theatre, VERY AMBI TIOUSi?—It sounds so—for a Little Theatre group,—but having seen a rehearsal say “NO”—It’s going toW^ swell. Jim Gibson and Faye Brown as the young profes sor, Tommy Turner and his wife, Ellen, and Daggert Kar sten as the ex beaux and foot ball player are really funnv. and appealing—as are Baxt™' Haynes, as a member ot the board of trustees, Isbam Hen derson as Dean Damon, Mary Flynn, as Patricia Stanlev. Ellen’s younger sister; and Bill Spivey as Cleote, the col ored maid to name a few. Tickets are on sale at Mis sildine’s, Owen’s, The Fabric. Shop and the Blue Riddfr Weavers. All reserve seat ticW7 ets are at the Betty Sturgis Shop. (General admission 75c and Reserve seats $1.) Arrangements -are being made for transportation for those on Melrose Ave., who have no cars. Phone 128. Be sure to see “The Male Ani mal” if you really want a de lightful and amusing evening. Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 6 and 7, at 8:15 at the Tryon School auditorium.—Adv’t. b