County Officials Take Oath Monday The recently elected officers for Polk County will take the oath of office Monday morning when the County Commissioners meet at 10 o’clock. The oath will be admin istered by Clerk of Court Robert S. McFarland. Those receiving the oath will b^ F. P. Bacon, house of representatives; C. O. Story, .county commissioner; E. A. West brook, county commissioner; C. W. Ballenger, register of deeds; G. W. Pearson, surveyor. And the justices of the peace and constables of the various townships. Fresh fruits that qualify for the December list include cranber ries, grapefruit, oranges, apples, grapes and winter pears. FREE! SELLARS KITCHEN CAB INET, $97.50 value. Come in today for details. Andrews Furniture & Appliance Co., Inc.—Adv. tf. \ i i i ! ! i Program for the Week of December 5th to 11th Sunday—Montgomery Clift, Aline MacMahon in ‘THE SEARCH” Plus: Community Sing. Monday and Tuesday—Cary Grant, Myrna Loy in MR. BLANDING BUILDS HIS DREAM HOUSE” Plus: Latest News and Hollywood Short. Wednesday and Thursday—Ingrid Bergman, Charles Boyer-in “ARCH OF TRIUMPH” Plus: Color Phantasie Short. ' Friday—Preston Foster and Mary Stewart in “THUNDER HOOF” Plus: News and Superman Serial. Saturday—Eddie Dean and his Horse in “SHADOW VAT T RY” Plus: Comedy, Cartoon and Serial. Late Show Saturday Night—10:30 Judy Canova and Frances Ledere in ‘PUDDIN HEAD”