Your Neighborhood DRUGGIST for Over Half A Century. MISSILDINE’S PHARMACY “The Rexall Store” Phone No. 4 HOSPITAL NEWS Patients admitted to St. Luke’s hospital over the week-end include Loranzo R. Kuykendall, Colum bus; Mrs. Stanley W. Chambers of Tryon; Mrs. Mintie Lawrence, Tryon; Miss Elizabeth Martin, Sa luda; Mrs. Roy Marlowe, Tryon; and Lilly Belle Shepherd (color ed), Tryon. Patients discharged include Mrs. Baylus Rhodes, Sa luda; Mrs. Arthur Cantrell, Mill Spring; Mrs. Libbie Harrison, Route 2, Landrum; Mary Scott Foster, 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wofford Foster, Tryon, and Paul Carson (colored Tryon). Mrs. H. Lan Moore left today for Mt. Kisco, N. Y., where she will spend the Christmas holi days with her daughter, Mrs. M. H. Warner and family. Harold P. Erskine has arrived at Sanibel Island, Fla., for his an nual winter visit. CHRISTMAS TREES For delivery to your home, call 126-W after 2 p. m. —Adv. 8, 10, 13p Floor Sanding Finishing ! Expert workmanship. Experi I enced men. Don’t take less than ; the best. Call us: J. G. Brown & Go. Landrum, S. C. Phone 39 Harold A. Bulman Spartanburg, S. C. Phone 1959-M Dr. H. A. McAninch, D.S.C. Chiropodist 2221/£ E. Main Street SPARTANBURG, S. C. Hours: 9 to 5 Saturday 9 to 12 PHONE 3893 DAILY BULLETINS—5c each. Ihomes-farmsI \ BUILDING SITES \ < All real estate services < £ including rentals. 2 IG. H. RRIDGEMAN & SON \ I Tel. Office 101 Res. 434-J \ Let Us Do Your HOLIDAY CLEANING EARLY! RUGS, DRAPES, SLIP COVERS RECTOR’S (For 20 Years one of the South’s Better Cleaners) TELEPHONE 203