Your Neighborhood DRUGGIST for Over Half A Century. MISSILDINE’S PHARMACY “The Rexall Store” Phone No. 4 Mrs. A. S. Brown returns Tues day to Macon, Ga., after spend ing Christmas holidays with her sister, Mrs. A. V. Dye, and Dr. Dye. Ben White Jr., student at State College, Raleigh, is home for the holidays. Mr. and. Mrs. Herbert Thatcher and daughter, Miss Anne Thatcher, are spending the holidays with their families at Swarthmore and ^^ck Hills, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. ^^atcher expect to return the first ^eek in January. Miss Thatcher will return to the University of North Carolina where she is study ing for her master’s degree. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ripandelli and daughter, Carol Janet, have returned to Greensboro after spend ing the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Margaret A. Richards at her home in Gillette Woods. REMOVAL SALE We are moving next door in the Blue Ridge Weavers building in January and are not taking our old stock with us—which means A REAL SALE! 10% OFF SALE PRICE FOR CASH SALES Hetty Stu/UfiA, (Shop Closed Until Wednesday, December 29th) HOMES — FA RMS BUILDING SITES All real estate services including rentals. G. H. RRIDGEMAN & SON Tel. Office 101 Res. 434-J TRYON THEATRE SHOWINGS: Sunday, 3:30, 9 p.m. Daily 3:30, 7, 9 p.m. Saturday, 1 p. m. continuous. No matinee on Tuesday or Thursday. MONDAY and TUESDAY Bette Davis, Robt. Montgomery in “JUNE BRIDE” WEDNESDAY Edgar Buchanan, Anna Lee in BEST MAN WINS’