THE TAR HEEL GARDNER By John A. Harris, N. C. Extension Service. It may sound foolish to you, but I keep a calendar of garden work; things to do each week—where I can see it daily. At times, when I can’t get anything done, I’m tempted to throw it away; but it at least helps me to do the more important things and the things that can’t wait. Here are some of the jobs on my list for the next few weeks. Perhaps you too need to do these jobs. As usual, I have procrastin ated in doing my fall pruning. This is my next job. On my list to pruned are the grape vines, 4Rpple and peach trees (include oth er fruit trees if you have them), and those shrubs that bloom in late summer such as Butterfly Bush, Crapemyrtle, Abelia and others. Some of the evergreens need some pruning, too, but most of this is done as it is needed dur ing the growing season. As soon as the pruning is fin ished, the fruit trees must be sprayed before the buds swell with an oil emulsion. This job is now a pleasure since I have a small 15 gallon capacity sprayer. This sprayer is motor-driven and really does a thorough job. It’s light enough to pull around with one hand, which makes it easy to handle. It's plenty early yet, but I’ll take the first opportunity to set lut cabbage, plant garden peas, Ppinach, radish and onions. The T>est garden peas I ever made were planted on January 2. Of course, I should also tell you those years when they were killed when plant ed in January. You always take a chance with early plantings, but late plantings are just about as risky. Then, there is that order for roses still on my desk. Also a dozen, or so shrubs in my yard waiting to be moved. Last year it was April before I finished my transplanting. All of the plants lived, but I had to s^eeep, them watered all summer. It’s $uch bet ter to finish planting trees and shrubs by the mid of February. FOR SALE: 1947 Ford Truck equipped for 6 tons, with produce body. Excellent condition; Low mileage, good rubber, nidio, heat er, grille guard, nwnjrextras. Can be seen at Columbus Cities Ser vice, Columbus. Tel. 4001-J.—Ad vertisement 27, 28, 31; 2, 4p. Dr. H. A. McAninch, D.S.C. Chiropodist 222% E. Main Street SPARTANBURG/ S. C, Hours: 9 to 5 Satqfday^OTo 12 PHONE E. J. Slemons, Owner Tel. SPARTAN PLATING 146 Carolint Spartanburg, Platers Silverware Repahjj^fi, Replated DAILY BULLETINS—Be each. NOW IS THE TIME! To come in and see our in creased line of attractive fab rics. z To have that slipcover or upholstery work started before the spring rush begins. * To lopk over Jour line beautiful wall papers/ * And to aipquajrft yourself with the variatv^f services of fered by THE ,RED BIRD ASSOCIATES INTEBIOR DESIGN and Accessories. Heritage Rugs (Preston Bldg) Across from Post Office.