MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT ‘THE PRESCRIPTION STORE” OWEN’S PHARMACY. Phone 202. WALGREEN AGENCY •IT’S YOUR SHOW Everything is in readiness for the Exhibition of Fine Arts to be Held at the Lanier Library Tues day, from 3 to 9 p. m. and Wednes day from 3 to 6 p. m. The show has been launched primarily to encourage amateurs whose work has never been shown to the public and it may well mark a tentative advance toward the development of an art center in Tryon. Such a goal has long been discussed and with the wholehearted cooper ation of the community, may well become a reality. - The show presents an excellent opportunity to unearth latent tal ent and to that end Mr. Sassoon and those assisting him have ex pended much effort and time. Your attendance at the show will justify their efforts and serve to encourage the amateurs who are making their initial bow to the public. The show is not confined to amateurs, how ever, and contains a high propor tion of professional and semi-pro fessional pieces in sculpture, cera mics and photography, in addition to paintings and drawings. Ad mission is 75c. Students 25c. Punch will be served both days.—Contr. Mr .and Mrs. Roy F. Heath Jr. and son, Tommy, have returned to Sarasota, Fla., after a visit with the Millikin and McCown families. Amos R. Havelock of Havelock, N. C., arrived in Tryon last week end for a visit with his family at the home of Mrs. Gus Henson. Landrum Lodge No. 178, A. F. M. will meet Tuesday evening at 7:30, for work in entered apprenticed degree. / One active, self-reliant mhn with car for permanent job. Courtesy, neatness required. Polk County resident. Profits average $70 week ly. Write Fuller Brush Co., P. O. Box 2505, Asheville, N. C.—Ad vertisement 18, 21, 22p. LOST: S5maB/j£old Automatic Pencil. 'Rktmrn to Bulletin office. Reward.—-IXAv. 18, 21p. CIVIC at Landrum MONDAY aKd TUESDAY Ida Lupino, Cftnel Wilder and Richard fVidmark in ROAI> HOUSE WEDNjESDAY/ONLY Russ Hayd§m, Lydne Robert! “Sons Plus: Dick Tracy Serial. (Matinee at 3:30) DAILY BULLETINS—5c each. * Adventure” Insulate NOW for j Gold Weather ! 1! J ! -LET US ♦ Insulate your Home NOvT/Eor comfort and fuel savings during the coming winter, yftlte or cal/collect fpfiree esti mate. ^tER STRIPPING ; SPARTAN Insulating Go. P. 0. Box 1061 Phone 1392 SPARTANBURG, S. C.