The rule that water should be boiling before vegetables go in to cook has added support from re cent research. Turnip greens, put on to cook in about their own weight of cold water and cooked 30 minutes from the time boiling be gins, hold only about a third of their original vitamin C. But those put into boiling water and boiled the same length of time hold three fourths of their C. Likewise, as paragus and green beans, cooked by these two methods, retain more vitamin C when started in boiling Water. [DAILY BULLETINS—5c each. FROM CLARK’S MOUNTAIN there is a breath-taking panoramic view of Tryon’s nflbuntain range" and the Piedmont. Upexcelledjrtmd ing sites and famous ohje^immer home for sale as a.AvhoJe^r in part. For all informa'tioir (and picnic privileges) see ^hardson & Kar sten, Realtors, Oak Hall Hotel, Phone 6.—Adv. 20, 21, 22. J. E. Hester, Insurance Since 1905; W. M. Hester, Real Estate Since 1923. HESTER REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENCY Phone No. 37, Tryon nroM %mk%m THURSDAY, APRIL 21 On Stage in Person “THE DIXIE PLAYBOYS” AND ON THE SCREEN: “TROUBLE PREFERRED” Friday, April 22—Roland Winters and Keye Luke in “THE FEATHERED SERPENT” Saturday—Johnny Mack Brown and/ Raymond Hatton in “The Sheriff of Medicine Bow” LATE SHOW SATURD/Y NIGHT— Adele Jergens and Marilyn MgjMWff'm “LADIES OF jHj^CSHORUS” Sunday, April 24.—Mjtfx Bros, and Kitty Carlisle in “A NIGHT AT THE OPRA” Monday, Tuesday, April 25, 26—Rita Hayworth, Glenn Ford in “FOR THE LOVE OF CARMEN” WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 28 Olivia de Havilland and Mark Stevens in “THE SNAKE PIT”