MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT ‘THE PRESCRIPTION STORE” OWEN’S PHARMACY. Phone 202. WALGREEN AGENCY Questions About School Work We would like to consider the wishes of parents with regard to the selection of teachers for first grade pupils and other pupils, but it is impossible to do so. We find it necessary to disregard all such requests. It is not difficult to see the problems we create by follow ing any other policy. We believe one child deserves the same con sideration as another; but we do not think such choices represent tbAadvantages that parents think S^Hflnvolved. at least, not to the exteht sometimes imagined. If there are other questions parents wish to ask, we will be glad for them to come to the school office or to call No. 84.—School Reporter. -PROMPT TAXI SER CALL 143 Gene Gosnell, Shell S^parlce Sta. —Adv. tu. fri. tf. ART Summer art classes. Lessons in. studio or will come I to hojwe. Adults or children $l./50 an hour. Write Constance Reynolds, Box or Phone 91. / ' DAILY BULLETINS—5c each. FOR SALE: less evening West creation^ $20. May be Shop.—Adv. 4,' lie strap 12. Jean rn, only once. Sen at the Fabric 8pr" H O M E S — F BUILDING All real estate sei including rentals. G.H.BRIDGEMi Tel. Office 101 SEE US ...FOR A FULL SAFETY CHECK \/ Brakes N Engine V Steering / V Lights V Wheel AlignmenJ Donal Tryoi Cor Go. Eh Carolina DODLiE • PLVmOUTH DODGE Job-Rated TRUCKS RENT A NEW CAR Telephone No. 96 SPARTANBURG, S. C.