Published Daily Except (Est. 1-31-28) 0 Saturday and Sunday 6c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TROT DAILY BULLETIN The World’8 Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor (Vol. 22—No. 218 TRYON, N. C., WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28, 1949 Oak Hall Hotel will have its usual Thursday night steak sup per as advertised in today’s Bulle tin but will not have the Sunday night buffet supper. This is done to give the cooks and waiters part of the New Year holiday. The ad was already printed when notice of the change was received. /Today is nice for the Riding & Hunt Club picnic and contests at the Cary Page place. Pleasant Valley Farm. . . The' Duke and Duchess of Windsor have arrived in New an ^tended visit before groig to their ranch in Canada . . . Rita Haywdrth, wife of Aly Khan, is mother of a daughter born last . night in Switzerland. . . United States of Indonesia became a free country with loose Dutch connec- j tions Tuesday . . . Street car*strike j ends in Cleveland, O., as strikers j obey court order . . . The Tryon Duplicate Bridge tournament will be held Thursday night at the Corigregational church house . . . Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Griffin and three children escaped injury Sun day morning when their abandon ed car was'hit by a Southern rail way train at the Hendersonville 5th Ave., east crossing ..... j AT KIWANIS TUESDAY Robert H. Mdllikin gave a talk on the importance of adequate wir ing at the Kiwanis Club on Tues day at 1 p. m., at Oak Hall hotel. Mr. Millikin pointed out some of the dangers of inadequate wiring which resulted in fires that de stroyed homeland burned up elec tric motors. He exhibited various samples of wiring for different jobs and the proper fuse for each job Guests at the meeting included Kiwanis Lieut.-Gov. J. E. Saltz of St. Petersburg, Fla., who has a perfect attendance record of 18 years; and Norman Miller of Hen dersonville who has a perfect at tendance record of 8 years. Gover nor Salts brought greetings from the St. Petersburg club and also told of his boyhood days in the mountains of North Carolina where he thought he would get to see some snow and maybe go on a sleigh ride during the holidays. He said this sunshine and warm weather in Tryon was too monotonous for him. Freedom Foundation Winner To Address Lanier Club Opie Lee Shelton, manager of the Spartanburg Chamber of Com merce will be the guest speaker at the January 5th meeting of the Lanier Club. His subject will be “Preserving the American Way of Life.” • • ' Former President Herbert Hoov er, the Hon. James F. Byrnes and Mr. Shelton were three Americans to earn the 1949 award for out standing contribution to the cause of individual freedom. The meeting will be at the Con fregational church house at 3:30. he public is invited.