Mrs. Carroll P. Rogers will ar rive home Thursday from a three months’ stav in New York State. She visited her daughter, Mrs- El liott Metcalf and family at West moreland, and underwent an op eration at an Ithaca hospital. Ben Cromer has returned to Wofford College after spending the week-end at home in Tryon. Mr. .and Mrs. Nelson Jackson jr., left Monday for a two weeks’ vaca tion in Florida. FOR SALE: Hoover kitchen cab inet, two tables, 9x12, woolen rugs, mahogany China closet, coffee table, odd chairs, day bed. Phone 2p03-W.—Adv. 7, 8, lOp. DAY and NIGHT; ;i TAXI SERVICE ij ;• Don’t be afraid to call j; |! early in the morning or j! ;» late at night. Tel. No. !; 1121-R. We’U be ready j! to go. JONES’ TAXI i: SERVICE TELEPHONE 121-R !| DAILY BULLETINS—5c each. Be, Generous to Your Children’s Health ! • Give them plenty of Butler’s Ice Cream. It con tains the wholesome milk they need so much. Nearly all children like ice cream. In addition to giving them a £_>eat you will be building the strong bodies they need Nthd supplying the needed energy for their school work I and play hours. • Drop by our dairy ice cream bar and get some to day. Several flavors from which to choose. • Plenty of parking space and you can take all the time you need to try one of our delicious milk shakes. BUTLER'S DAIRY TELEPHONE 429 TRYON, NORTH CAROLINA 4