THE TRVOJf DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor (Vol. 23—No. 117) TRYON, N. C,. MONDAY. JULY 17TIL 1950 Published Daily Except (Est. 1-31-28)_Saturday and Sunday 5c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 Weather: Friday: High 80, low 65, rain .13; Saturday hight 81, low 64, rain .44; Sunday high 80, low 66, rain .66. . . . “Saint or Sinner” by Mrs. A. W. Brintnall was a short story for adults and not for children. It received hon orable mention in the Charlotte Writer’s Club contest. Mrs. Brint nall’s delightful story to the chil dren at the story hour Thursday won first place in the hearts of the youngsters. . . . Libby Vining has accepted the invitation to play in the Annual Invitation Golf Tour lent at Linville, N. C., this c, 18th through 22nd. ... Tryon sranis Club will meet Tuesday at 1 o’clock at Oak Hall "hotel . . . Contributions are still needed for the Artificial Breeding Program in Polk County. Checks may be sent to the Chamber of Commerce or Bulletin Office. The Piedmont Fair Association of Spartanburg thought so Tmuch of the program that they sent $25 to help promote the work. It doesn’t help much to give a 4-H Club member a purebred calf and' then have it bred to in ferior stock. In order to keep up the good work and build better dairy stock in Polk County it is necessary to have a good breeding program.The rains came .Continued on Back Pape._ J. B. WILSON Joseph (Joe) Butler Wilson, 71, prominent citizen of Polk County, died Saturday morning in a Co lumbia, S. C., hospital. Wilson was a native of Polk County, the son of the late Benny Wilson and Delphia Byers Wilson, and a member of the Big Level Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Bessie Williams Wilson; two daughters, Mrs. Lizzie Lee Pittman of Columbus, and Mrs. Gladys Ruff of Mill Spring, RFD 2; four sons, Posey and Lawton Wilson of Mill Spring, RFD 2, Dock and Walden Wilson of Mill Spring RFD 1. Also one brother, O. L. Wilson of Mill Spring, RFD 2; four sis ters, Mrs. W. M. Whitesides and Mrs. Addie Russell of Columbia, S. C;, Mrs. Lillian Ruff and Mrs. Annie Phillips of Rutherfordton; 17 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held to day at 2 pf. m., at Cooper’s Gap Baptist Church. The Rev. W. M. - Whitesides' of Cqlumbia, S. C., Rev. Paul Stepp and the Rev. George Lynch of Cooper’s Gap will officiate. Burial will be in the church cemetery. McFarland Funeral Home of Trvon in charge. Grandsons will be active pall bearers. Members of the Woodmen of the World will be honorary oallbearers and conduct the graveside rites. A. R. Thompson Contractor, Inc., received the contract for hard-sur facing the Old No. 19 highway frpm Mill Spring to Columbus, a distance of 4.2 miles, at a cost