mmmm MM ™,- „ . _ -ed Daily JSxcep< •>%(Est. 1-31-28) _Saturday and Sunda^j_ ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20*1928, AT AT TftYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, M. THE TRVOM DAILY The World's Smallest daily Newspaper Vining, Editor (Vol, 23—No. 127) TRYON, N. C.. TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1950 Weather Monday: High 87, low 63, rain .82. . . . U. S. Marines *• land in Korea to bolster up re treating Americans . . . Jake Malik of Russia becomes head of the United Nations Security Council j during August and is trying to have Communist China admitted into membership . . . Fred Mc Kaig, assistant manager' of the Tryon A&P Store has been called to active duty with the U. S, Navy and has reported at Columbia. . . Sunday's New York Herald Tribune reports the death of Mrs. CL >M. Cruikshank’s mother, Mrs. sM|ce Nicoll Harris, on Friday, SuT# 28th. She was the wife of the late William Hamilton Harris, of Elfwood, New Windsor, N. Y. Funeral services will bif held to day, Tuesday, Aug. 1, at 2 p. m. at the residence. Interment in Woodland Cemetery, New Windsor. .... The State Highway De partment is repairing the road opposite the T. W. Ballew resi dence where the bus stops. P. L. Barnette has remodeled the build ing opposite the Esso Station. Snyder’s-Beer Shop has moved to quarters in the same building but in the new annex next to the Bal lew property. Guy Foster and the bus station will occupy the remod -Continued on Back Page_— Building To Be Leased For Post Office at Sahida Proposals are hereby solicited to be received in the office of Post Office Inspector E. J. Kyle, at Greenville, S, C., up to and in cluding August 31, 1950, to furn- . ish quarters suitable for post office purposes at Saluda, N. C., under lease subject to the provisions of the standard form of lease used by the Post Office Dept, at a stated price per annum, including heat, light, power, water, toilet facili ties, plumbing, heating, and light ing fixtures for a term of 5 or 10 years from March 6, 1951. Floor space of about 1300 to 1400 square fqet is desired. Important considerations are a reasonably central location, good daylight,, and accessibility to rear or side entrance for mails. Gen eral building requirements, equip ment specifications, and form of proposal, together with informa tion concerning the provisions of the lease, may be obtained from the -oostmaster at Saluda or from Post Office Inspector E. J. Kyle, 'Green ville, S. C. HOSPITAL NEWS Patients admitted to St. Luke’s Hospital include Mrs. Columbus Settles, Mill Spring, and Willis Yoder, Tryon. Patients discharged include Robert Painter, Tryon R-l, end Martha Dawkins, colored, of Tryon. ; There will be a Home Nursing Instructor’s Institute held at the court house in Asheville, August 28th through September 1st, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Anyone inter ested in taking this course please contact Mae Flentye.