Your Neighborhood DRUGGIST for Over Half A Century. MISSILDINF/S PHARMACY “The Rexall Store.” Phone No. 4 Mrs. Mary Breeden and daugh ter, Jean, and Miss Elmina Wages will leave Saturday for a week’s stay in New York City and to meet Mi's. Breeden’s mother. Mrs. Grace Haynes, who is arriving nert week from a tour of Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Elmert H. Heit mann and. son, Donald, of Wash ington, D. C., are spending a few days at their home in Cooper’s Gap. Mr. and Mrs. John Pair, nee Thelma Mills, and Miss June Pair, will arrive Saturday from Rich mond, Va., for a visit with Mrs. Pair’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Mills. Mrs. H. B. Vanderhoef is visit ing her son, Howard B. Franken field Jr. and family. Wanted job caring for elderly person or one or two small chil dren not under two years of age. Mrs. J. W. E .ward, Howard Gap Road, Saluda, R-l.—Adv. 31, lc HOMES — FARMS BUILDING SITES All Real Estate Services including Rentals. G. H. BRIDGEMAN & SON Tel. Office. 101 Res. 434-J VWWVSAA/SAAAA/VWWWVWNAAA/S^VW call 487 at the SINCLAIR STATION For A Prompt TAXI day and night services ROLAND JONES Final Week Lake Summit Playhouse TUXEDO, N. C. 7 mi. So. of H’ville, Rt. 25. The famous Vagabond Play ers present Druterds Tremendous Hit “THE VOICE OF THE TURTLE” Eves. 8:30. Mats. Wed & Sat. 2:30, 60c. Prices 88c, $1.20, $1.80, $2.40. Children % price. Reserva: Hendersonville 4681 DAILY BULLETINS—5c each. TRYQN THEATRE Friday, September 1—A1 Jolson and Will Rogers in “THE GOLDEN TWENTIES” Saturday, Sept. 2—Jim Brannon and Don Kay Reynolds in “Cowboy And the Prizefighter’ Late Show Saturday Night, Sept. 2—10:30 Adele Jergens and Charles McGraw in “ARMOURED GAR ROBBERY” Sunday, Sept. 3—Robert Cummings, Elizabeth Scott in “PAID IN FULL” Mon., Tues., Sept. 4, &—Marjorie Main, Percy Kilbride in “Ma and Pa Kettle Go To Town”