' - - ..Published Daily Except ' • (Est. 1-31-28)- _Saturday and Sunday 5c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST ‘*' ■*.$28, AT THE POSTOPPICE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE AC^ ' ^S, MARCH 8, 1879 The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M, Vining, Editor (Vol. 23—No. 176) TRYON, N. C.. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 11th, 1950 Weather Tuesday: High 76, low 45 . . . ZORO is coming this week - at Tryon Theatre, according to Manager R. E. Brantley, who stated after The Bulletin was printed yesterday that he had a telephone call from Charlotte which said that Dr. Cameron Zoro, who didn’t think he could come to Tryon this week, has made ar rangements to make the trip in person, and will be on the Tryon Theatre stage for the late show Saturday at 11 p. m. The ad’vt. states that inhuman creatures from the lower world, “Terrors of the Unknown” including the only ghost with “Hex” appeal; and the beautiful Lady Godiva in all Her unnatural glory will ma teralize on the stage as well as headless men and the living dead. . . . . President Matt O’Shields of the Tryon Chamber of Com merce is inviting all artists of the community who are interested in Tryon Chamber of Commerce hav ing an interesting letterhead for its stationery to submit samples of drawings to Elbert H. Arledge, Printer, and a copy will select the one thought best to represent Tryon most appropriately . . A lot of people are interested in Tryon having the best of things that is appropriate for the community. Mrs. John Harvey, Chicago, writes -Continued on Back Page_ \ Census Shows 2,824 Pupils In Polk County Schools Checking the records of County School Superintendent James W. Gantt and Tryon City Administra tive Unit Supt. Laxton Hamrick, a census shows that there ar6 2,824 students, white and colored, in the elementary and high schools of the county. Of these 2,468 are white and 356 are colored. Stearns school at Columbus has 9 teachers and 298 elementary pupils; Sunny View 7 teachers and 225 pupils; Mill Spring 17 teach ers, 326 elementary puils and 150 high school students; Green Creek, 20 teachers, 433 elementary, 121 high school students; Saluda, 12 teachers, 253 elementary, 69 high school; Tryon 22 teachers, 445 elementary and 148 high school students. Colored schools: Rosenwald, 2 teachers, and 90 pupils; Union Grove, 3 teachers and 117 pupils; Embury at Tryon, 7 teachers and 109 elementary and 40 high school students. Kiwanians Elect Officers The Tryon Kiwanis Club elect ed officers for 1951 Tuesday as follows: Elbert H. Arledge, presi dent; Seth ML Vining, vice-presi dent; James Gibson, treasurer. Woodrow Hague, the secretary, will be elected by the new Board of Directors, who will include J. A. Simpson, Carroll P. Rogers, Laxton Hamrick, Chas. J. Lynch, C. W. McCall, E. L. Carter, P. L. Barnette. The officers will be inducted at the first meeting in January. Tryon Tigers play Bessemer City Friday night at Bessemer City.