The World’s smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor (Vol. 23—No. 179) TRYON, N. C„ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13TH. 1950 I R \ /77\ trv I (Est. 1-31-28) ENTERED AS SECOND _ AT TRYON, N. Published Daily Except _Saturday and Sunday5c Per Copy CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3. 1879 Weather Thursday: High 76, low 48 . . . United Nations forces moving forward in Korea. Pfc. Carl Foster, son of W. F. Foster of Tryon, was with the 24th Division in Korea when it was forced to retreat. He walked 72 miles back to the American lines and safety. Part of the time his group were in single file. Once the man heading the line and the one in the rear were killed. He spent four days in the hospital after 63 straight days fighting without rest. He is now on his way through North Korea and helped to recapture Taejon which his group had to give up in July. . ... New evidence is being turned up each day as to the value of folders in giving information about a community. John R. Patton who was a guest at Mimosa Inn this week, was in Gainesville, Fla., on business some weeks ago and stopped at the local AAA office where he saw displayed the at tractive Mimosa Inn folder de signed by Mary Webb Goble. Mr. Hester had 15,000 of these printed for distribution. On account of a lack of funds the Chamber of Commerce has had only 6,000 to distribute. Those of you who think something ought to be done about building' up the community can do a lot by joining the cham -Continued on Back, Page_ JOYCE ANN PAINTER Joyce Ann Painter, 8-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Painter of Mill Spring, died about 7 o’clock this morning within a few minutes after being taken to the hospital. Funeral services will be held Saturday morning at 11 o’clock at Beulah Baptist Church with the Rev. B. W. Reid, officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery. McFarland Funeral Home of Tryon in charge of arrangements. Besides her parents the baby is survived by the following half brothers and sisters, Jessie, Wil liam, Herbert, George and John Bolt and Myrtle Bolt. More Shoulders To Wheel For A Progressive Tryon The wheels of progress for a better, richer and happier com munity received new power today with additional memberships in the Chamber of Commerce from the following business people: Chinquapin Dairy, Duke Power Co., Ballenger’s Foodland, M. . R. McCown, Richardson & Karsten, Jackson & Jackson, Inc., and Try on Federal Savings & Loan Assn. President Matt O’Shields stated Wednesday that this “do it now” spirit on the part of the business people will be an inspiration to everyone connected with the Cha,m ber of Commerce, who are trying to promote worthwhile things for the community and county. Added payrolls and new home owners will benefit churches, hospitals, country club, merchants, and every or ganization and business ,in the community. 7 Friday 13th appears twice in ’51. January and October.