THE TRY ON DAILY BULLETIN The World’8 Smallest DAILY Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor (Vol, 23—No. 180) TRYQN, N. C.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1950 Published Daily Except (Est. 1-31-28)Saturday and Sunday6c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 Curb Reporter Weather: Friday high 73, low 47; Saturday high 78, low 42; Sunday high, 85 low 48 . . . Every body is praising this beautiful ler. . . . Mrs. T. J. Hair, _president Tryon Garden Club announces that the October meet ing has been postponed . . . Have you signed the Freedom Scroll. You’ll find one -at Missildine’s, Owen’s, Bulletin, Bank, Chamber of Commerce ... Tryon lost its football game Friday1 to Kings Mountain by a big score. No report received . . . O. B. Keeler, 68, famous sports reporter, is dead. John J. Raskob, 71, Al Smith’s political leader, is dead. . . . Mrs. Edith Webb has returned to Ashe ville after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rhodes . . . Mrs. F. W. Sprague is visiting Mrs. E. D. Mitchell in Asheville . . . Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Farthing have return ed to Boone after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Farthing. Coach David Prince of Tryon High «ol has been honored ,by being ted as one of the coaches of Optimist Football game to be played in Asheville between all star high school seniors players. Sayre New Golf Champion Edward Sayre defeated Marion Palmer 1 up Sunday to win the Tryon Country Club Golf Cham pionship. Sayre shot a 74 and Palmer 75. Both men in recent years have tied the course record. In the second flight finals Paul Gibson defeated K. A. Bowen 1 up. Third flight finals: Julian Cal houn defeated Bob Adams 3-1. Fourth finals: Fred Powell de feated Jim Gibson 1 up. ‘Visitor To Japan, Speaker At Kiwanis On Tuesday Harry Bridgeman will be in charge of the Tryon Kiwanis Club program Tuesday at 1 p. m., and will have as his guest speaker, D. W. Robertson, retired business executive of Fleming, N. J„ who made a business trip to Japan within the past few months, fle will give a report of his observa tions. Mr. Robertson and his wife have been coming to Tryon for a number of years, and are now building a home in the Pacolet Hills across from Harmon Field. Women’s Golf Tuesday The Tryon’s Women Golf Asso ciation will hold a two-ball four some tournament Tuesday at the Tryon Country Club. Mrs. W. S. Fellows and Mrs. Fred Placak are tournament chairmen. Burglars In Service Station Do $500 Damage, Loss A burglar or burglars entered the Tryon Texaco Service Station Friday morning about 2 o’clock and did about $500 damage, accord ing to Manager R. B. Scruggs. The place was entered by breaking the washroom window, climbing in. The ejectric clock was stopped around ST a. m., showing that the electric light was put out at that time. The safe in the station was opened with a hammer and chisel. The cash I register was not touched. Mr. I Scruggs estimated the damage to : safe and stolen money and equip . ment to be about $500. No clues have been reported. Wool production this year in North Carolina is up 31 per cent over 1949.