nm DAILY BILLETIK The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor (Vol.23—No. 181) TRYON, N. C.. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1950 Published Daily Except (Est. 1-31-28)Saturday and Sunday5c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1.879 Weather Monday: High 76, low 50 . . . Allies moving forward in Korea. . . . The Anniversary Specials advertised in today’s Bulletin by Farthing & Swann recall an unusual feature con cerning the store. October is Ralph Fai*thing’s 11th anniversary as a grocer in Tryon. October is also Mrs. Myrtle Culbreth’s fifth an niversary with the store; Fred Powell’s second; Donald Kuyken dall’s second; Perry Coggins’ first. W. C. Lawson, manager of the market who came in a little later is celerating his 5th anniversary with the store. Mr.. Farthing said *as proud of his organization the spirit of service of all mployees . . . Every Tuesday for six weeks Girl Scout leaders of Tryon are taking the training course in Spartanburg. Mrs. David Westrand. Mrs. Elwood Martin and Mrs. J. C. Woodley are taking it today .... Mrs. H. O. Stouden mire and twin daughters are visit ing relatives in Akron, Ohio . . . Senator Clyde Hoey and secretary were guests at The Auberge on Sunday enroute through Western North Carolina . . . Bishop and Mrs. R. L. Craighill of Wuhu, China, who are touring th£ moun tains are enroute to their home in Lothian, Md., after a visit in Tryon with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Turner, who were friends in China, BRINGS SNAKE TO COURT A wild snake caught in the neighborhood of Tryon was a fea ture of the Polk County Boy Scout Court of Honor held Mon day night at Tryon school. Eagle Scout Lynnwood Thomp son, who is seeking more knowledge and higher awards in Scouting was up before the Court of Honor for advancement in Reptile Study. One of the requirements was the presentation of a live snake. Scout Thompson had his water snake in a wire cage for the court to see. He also presented a num ber of colored drawings he had made of various kinds of snakes. He passed with flying colors a thorough examination by Scout Executive R. M. Schiele; and then made a speech on the study of rep tiles. Later he was presented the Eagle Bronze Palm award by Nel son Jackson, a member of the Na tional Council Board and himself holder of the Silver Antelope award for outstanding service to the boyhood of Region Six of which he is a director. Other awards were as follows: Star rank to Phillip Hamrick; First Class to Shields Flynn; Sec ond Class to Lewis Edney; Home Repairs to Franklin Pace; Car pentry to Carl Pace and Shields Flynn. The Court opened with prayer by J. T. Arledge, followed with the Scout Oath led by R. M. Schiele. Brief talks were made by County Chairman Elbert H. Ar ledge and Scout Commissioner Nelson Jackson II. Serving, on the Court were Seth M. Vining, - R. M. Schiele, Dr. C. W. McCall, J. T. Arledge, Robert Millikin, Freneau Blankenship and Robert L. IWck.