- Published, Daily Except (Est. 1-31-28)Saturday and Sunday 6c Per Copy entered as second class matter august 20, 1928, at the postoffice at tryon, n. c. under the act of congress, march 3, 1879 THE TRYON DULY BULLETIN The World’8 Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor (Vol. 23—No. 182) TRYON, N. C.. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 18. 1950 Weather Tuesday: High 72, low 50 ... . United Nations troops, which means mostly Americans, are moving forward in Korea . . . Miss Mae Irene Flentye appeared before the Kiwanis Club Tues day to enlist the support of the Kiwanians to help prevent damage to local . property during the Hallowe’en period. The local police department does not have enough* men to cover the town during that period and the damage done bv local vandals is distressing to people who try to build nice things ..... There are only a fgw freedom scroll places left for ^fifties. If you haven’t signed and ^plressed your belief in the sac redness and dignity of the indi viauai, tne rignt to ireedom tor all men, you will have to hurry. Scrolls „are at the batik, drug stores, Bulletin office, courtN house and other places throughout the county. It is gratifying that so many people have hunted up' these places and' signed. We must de velop a fighting spirit to preserve our freedom. We must have people who are aggressive enough to take the initiative. Just sit back and wait for somebody to bring you a scroll and you encourage that complacency which gets this coun try in such a deplorable state from time to time. Make the for -Continued on Back Page_ THIS “AINT” NEWS BUT IT’S IMPORTANT Since its organization 3 years ago, the Tryon Little Theatre has done its best to provide some entertainment for the community with little to work with other than a few interested people and the will of these people to have a commu nity theatre srroun. Such lights, sets and properties as have been used in the produc tion of “Dear Ruth”, “The Male AnimaJ”, “The Youngest” and oth er successes have been borrowed or rigged up in the best way possible. The major portion of the net proceeds from the sale of tickets has gone back into the Tryon Recreation Center which is the origfhal' sponsoring group of the Little Theatre; This year, The Tryon Little Theatre hopes to raise, through patron memberships, enough money to buy adequate sets and lighting eouipment to produce properly plays which can be enjoyed by the • people of Tryon. The ne\v Recreation Center offers quarters for rehearsals, workshnns. nnrl « place where equipment can be put . into ^condition and stored. The Little Theatre believes that it is oh the threshold of becoming more than just another group of people putting on a play. It hopes to offer to those who are interested in building sets, painting scenery, making props and all the other ! things which go into the produc tion pf a good play, the opportunity to do just that. The patron membership drive is now in progress under the direc tion of Mrs. Antoinette Golding, chairman of the membership com mittee. The patron memberships Continued on Back Page__