Published Daily Except (Eat. j^W.-28)Saturday and Sunday ' 5c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS. MARCH 3. 1879 THE TftYON DAILY BULLETIN The World's Smallest daily Newapape^ Seth M. Vining, Editor (Vol. 23—No. 185) TRYON, N. C.. T'qoc,V0LK MAN KILLED INSTANTLY BY AUTO Jake Owens, 71, of Saluda, was killed instantly near Tryon at 6:30 p. m., Saturday by a car* reported to have been driven by Mrs. Janies MeKaig of Tryon. Sheriff W. D. Hines and State Highway Patrolman W. R. Boyles, and Tryon Police, who investigated the death, said Owens apparently stepped from behind a parked car into the path of the oncoming car which struck him. He died in stantly, officers said. City Police man Harvey Grumbles identified the body. A Polk County Coroner’s Jury at the inquest Sunday at 10 a. m., in the Old City Hail building in Tryon, absolved Mrs. McKaig of blame for the accident, accord ing to Otis Dalton Polk County Coroner. Investigation showed that Mr. Owens stepped in the path of the car near Stewart’s garage on the Asheville-Spartanburg h i g hwav about one mile from Tryori. Funeral services Monday at 3 p. m.. at the Friendship Baptist Church, with the Rev. Paul Stepp, pastor, officiating. Interment in the church cemetery. The McFarland Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Owens was a bachelor, accord ing to the police report, and had made his home with Worth Hill in Saluda for the past 30 years. Surviving are two brothers, Bas com of Saluda and James of Bre vard, N. C. \ The Congregational Fellowship erroup meeting scheduled for this weeK has been postponed until later.