Published Daily Except < Est. 1-3^28)Saturday and Sunday 6c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE ~ AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879_ THE TRY OH DAILY Hi The World’s Smallest DAILY Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor (Vol. 23—No. 187) TRYON, N. C.. WEDN^?DAY. OCT. 25. 1350 -li Af ' Weather Tuesday: High 76, low 56, rain .41 ... . This warm weather is exasperating. Things will start growing again if it keeps up. The mountain foilage is beau tiful in all the fall colors . . . Not many communities could show in dividual flags of the United Na tions as well as the official United Nations flag on Tuesday. H. M. Guilbert at the Toy House has been displaying his every day for weeks, and Tuesday the individual flags made a pretty sight of beau tiful ce’ors reflecting the sunlight at the Trowbridge home in the Hunting Country .... Remember the history book meeting Friday night at 7:30 at the Court House. Everybody invited, and Dr. C. C. Crittenden, the state’s director, will be the chief speaker . . . Spar tanburg Herald reports David Mc Donald in General Hospital .... Political meetings all over the county are being well attended, showed renewed interest in our governmental affairs . . . The Democrats are giving a free bar becue and rally at Harmon Field Saturday night beginning at 6:30 o’clock. Hon. Woodrow Jones, the nominee for Congress, will be among the speakers .... Miss Mary Ann Morris, St. Genevieve of-the-Pines; Carroll Brady, Ligon Flynn and Tom Moore of State -Continued on Back Page_ -*ies of Polk History To tie Presented Friday Night Formal presentation of “Sketch es of Polk County History” will be held Friday in the Columbus Courthouse at 7:30 p. m., it was announced by the Polk County Historical Commission Tuesday. The program will include the in vocation by the Rev. LeRoy D. Lep pard; “America,” by the audience, led by James P. Egerton; remarks of the author of the “Sketches of Polk County History” by Sadie Smathers Patton; ;“01d North State” by the audience; an address by Dr. C. C. Crittenden, director of the Department of Archives and History, Raleigh. The presentation of the first copy of the history, autographed by the author will be given to Robert Earley Brantley, chairman of the Board of County Commis sioners by John Henry Gibbs, co-chairman Historical Commission. Following ceremonies an inform al reception, with refreshments, will be held in the lobbies of the court house. The Polk County Historical Com mission is composed of Carroll P. Rogers, chairman; John Henry Gibbs, co-chairman; R, R. Brady, John G. Landrum Jr., J. R. Trow bridge and Seth M. Vining.. Original Allied Nations Flags Fly Here Tuesday Flags of the original Allied Na tions, except Russia, were flying Tuesday, Oct. 24, .United Nations Day, at Dogwood, home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Trowbridge in the Hunt ing Country. Mrs. Trowbridge maue these flags and others that were presented to the Town of Trypn and to the school.