FLOWERS HERE Until the recent freeze a Tryon garden lover had 31 different flowers blooming in her garden as follows: Ageratum, Alsyssum, Begonia, Calendula, Canna, Ckome, Chry santhemum, Dahlia, Daisy, Ger anium, Hybiscus, Lily, Marygold, Mexican Sunflower, Nasturtium, Oxalis, Poppy, Roses, Sultani, Salvia Farinacea, Salvia Scarlet Sage, Iorenia, Water Hvacinth, Morning Glory, Hemerocallis, Zin nia, Petunia, Clematis, Coleus, Narcissus, Violet. COMING DEC. 9TH Nathan Ayers, Master of Sedge field Hounds has notified the Tryon Trials Committee that about 25 or 30 people are coming to Tryon from Greensboro vicinity with about 15 horses, and four couple of hounds to take part in the Hunter Trials and Bench Show activities to be held in the Hunting Country on December 9th. Richard F. Allen of W%e*ing ton, D. C,, is a guest at Oak Hall. Christmas Cards Ask to see sample-books. ELBERT H. ARLEDGE PRINTER CIVIC at Landrum WEDNESDAY, ONLY Victor Mature, Lucille Ball in “EASY LIVING” Plus: Serial and Cartoon. THURSDAY and FRIDAY Dennis O’Keefe, Gail Russell in “THE GREAT DAN PATCH” ; BOB LITTLE | PHOTOGRAPHER of CHILDREN j IN TRYON [ Monday and Tuesday, December 4, 5 FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS Call 269-R or 213-J