COUNTY SEAT NEWS By Mre. Edward Staggs Miss Charlotte Edwards, student nurse at Rutherfordton Hospital, spent the week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. J. Alvin Wilson and children of Spartanburg, visit ed Mrs. Joe Wilson on Sunday. Mrs. Robert Head is improving at the Rutherfordton Hospital af ter a recent operation. Miss Jo Anne Constance, patient at St. Luke’s Hospital, is improv ing after an injury received at school. J. A. Feagan remains in a ser ious condition at his home. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hill attend ed a shower Saturday night, hon oring Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dean Edwards of Detroit, Mich., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Mc Crain’s on Saluda Star Route. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomas Foster and baby, Janice, of Dun can, S C., were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hill. They were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hill on Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hill were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Minter Reel, and attended Silver Creek Church on Sunday morning. Robert S. McFarland is under going treatment at General Hos pitals in Spartanburg. The Business Women’s Circle held its regular monthly meeting Monday night at the home of Mrs. Henry Searcy with Mrs. Charlie Feagan in charge of the program. Mrs. O. C. Feagan gave the de votional and Mrs. Lonnie Hall led in prayer. The topic of the pro gram was “Wings for Speeding the Light.” Mrs. Alice Clarke gave the propram. Special song, by Mirs. John Spurlin. Christmas gifts were exchanged. New officers for the coming year were elected which includes: President, Mrs. Sidney Smith; first vice president, Mrs. Charlie Feagan; second vice president. Mrs. T. W. Owens; sec retary. Miss Opal Cloud; treas urer, Mrs. 0. C. Feagan. Refresh ments were served to 20 members. Mrs. T. W. Owens intertwined -with ft "party oh Saturday afternoon at her home in Columbus, celebrat ing the seventh birthday of her daughter, Janice. The living room was attractively decorated, using colors of red, white and blue. Each child was given favors consisting of suckers, miniature cars and balloons. Many games and contests were enjoyed with Lottie Spurlin and Donnie Hall winning prizes. Cakes, candy and nuts and orange ade were served to the following: Louise and Rachel Owens, Lottie and Andy Spurlin, Joan and Don nie Hall, Pat and Nesbet Conner, Dale Spurlin, Barry Staggs, Wayne Hall, Harold Gibbs, Fay and Mor ris Gibson, Ronnie and Johnnie White, Lynda Hill, Ellen Conner and Carol Page Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Munns and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Prussing, will leave Saturday for their home in Chicago after an extended stay at Four Columns. DAILY BULLETIN'S—5c each. SAVES STEPS and TELEPHONE CALLS • The lowest priced salesman in Polk County is an advertise ment in The Tryon Daily Bulle tin. Within one day’s time he speaks to thousands of people to tell them about your product. Telephone 99 ADVERTISE IT IN The BnUetin