tEst. 1-31-28) Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday5c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYOm DAILY BILLETIY The World’s Smallest DAILY Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor (Vol. 23—No. 224) TRYON, N. C.. THURSDAY, DEC. 14TH, 1950 Weather Wednesday: High 45, low 27, rel. humidity 55 . . . Evacu ation of United Nations Forces speeded up in North Korea ... If Christmas shopping is still a problem for yotf watch the adver tisements in The Bulletin for good suggestions from the merchants. For something different for a friend away give a Polk County History Book, a year’s subscription to The Bulletin or The Polk Coun ty News. Hundreds of people want to subscribe but just never get around to it. If you know of some friend who does not get either paper send us the name and address and $4 for the daily Bulletin or $3 for the weekly News if for out of county, friends. •. . . .If you approve of the Trade Street Christmas Decorations of lighted Christmas trees send your contribution to Mrs. Hanford Thompson or The Bulletin office. Mrs. Thompson keeps a record of the amount spent for labor, new bulbs, wiring, sockets, etc. Money a^d material are saved from year to year. To feed the spirit is often more imnortant than to feed the body. Everybody with eyes to see: old, young, rch, Door, can enjoy the beautiful lighted Christmas trees. Each do/ior gets direct bene fit immediately in seeing the street lighted. He gets even more benefit _Continued on Back Page_ COUNTY SEAT NEWS By Mrs. Edward Staggs *'■' Miss Christine Foster spent the week-end with Miss Annie Ruth -Lawter at Mill Spring. ' Mrs. Robert Head and Miss Jo Ann Constance have returned from the hospital to their respec tive homes. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Staggs and Barbara Ann and Barry, spent the week-end in Charlotte where they v: sited Patrolman and Mrs. W. D. Hines Jr. ,and Mrs. Staggs’ aunt, Mrs. Cora Harris. Mrs. W. D. Walden spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Minnie Burns. Kenneth Staggs spent the week end with Bill Wallace. The Out Look Book Club held its monthly meeting Wednesday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. Sam Walker, with 11 members present. The president, Mrs. Joe Wilson, presided at the meeting. Plans were made for the v_i,ristmas party and three committees were appointed to make th^ necessary preparations for the party. Husbands will be special guests. The hostess served a salad course, Fruit cake and Russian tea. The Columbus Home Demonstra tion Club held its monthly meet’ng in the form of a Christmas party on Monday night at the home of Mrs. Donald Spurlin with the hus bands as special guests. Miss Ruth Kesler, Home Agent, showed slides and gave an interesting talk on the Birth of Christ. The group sung a number of Christmas carols. Miss Kesler, assisted by Miss Caro lyn Flynn in directing the games and contests. John Gibson and Ed ward Staggs were prize winners. Mrs. If. Arledge of Tryon and Dale —r, -Continued on Back Page__