MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT “THE PRESCRIPTION STORE” OWEN’S PHARMACY. Phone 202. WALGREEN AGENCY. FIRST BAPTIST CANTATA SUNDAY NIGHT The Tryon First Baptist Church choir will present its Christmas Cantata, “Song of the Holy Night,” Sunday evening at 8 o’clock. The public invited. “David’s Court Life”, Subject Of Dr. Tajdor’s Lecture Tues. “David’s Court Life” will be the subject of the third lecture in the series of lectures on the Story. Behind the Old Testament, being given by Dr. George Farrand Tay lor. The lecture Tuesday night at 8 o’clock will be given in the Parish House of the Episcopal Church, and is sponsored by the Men’s Club of the Church of the Holy Cross. Mr. and Mrs. James Tapley will have as guests this week-end, Mr. and Mrs. William Burrows and children, Kathy and Sally, of Asheville. David Sassoon of Lawrenceville School, Lawrenceville, N. J., will arrive home Saturday for the holi days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sassoon. Dressmaking, alterations; also pants tailored. Opposite Sunny dale. Phone 261.—Adv. fri tf. Coming—“The Best Square Dance Tryon Ever Had!” Tuesday, Dec. 19th, 8 p. m. to 12 p. m., at Sunnydale, for benefit of Lanier Library. Western North Carolina championship string band; exhibition clog team. Tick ets—$1.60 couple, $1 single—at leading stores and inns.—Adver tisement 12, 13, 14, 15. CHRISTMAS SPECIALS: Inde pendent burning Christmas lights, set of 8, $1.49; children’s plastic rockers, $9.95 and $10.95; chil dren’s red rockers, $2145; large size wagons beginning at $3.95; 5-piece breakfast suits in plastic, begin ning at $49.50; linoleum rugs, 9x12 for $5.95. See our cedar chests, rockers, tables and all regular line goods. CUT-RATE FURNITURE CO., Landrum, S. C.—Adv. 14, 15 LAKE LANIER Drive-In Theatre (Located at Lake Lanier Entrance) (2 Shows each -night) Latest News Monday, Tuesday THURSDAY and FRIDAY “Letter to Three Wives” SATURDAY, ONLY Robert Ryan and Pat O’Brien in “Marine Raiders” ENJOY Sunday Dinner —dt— SUNNYDALE Serving from 12:30 .55 Plate (tax included) 75c Child’s Plate RECTOR’S (For 21 Years one of the South’s Better Gleaners) TELEPHONE 203