(Est. 1-31-28) Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday Be Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE.ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879_ THE TOOK DAILY BELLETIK The World's Smallest dAily N (VoL 23—No. 241) TRYO>t Seth M. Vining, Editor ■ *+aper._ vvv 90^* -TUESDAY, JANUARY 9. 1951 Weather Monday: High 40, low 23, rel. hum. 41 . . . Eighth Army continues retreat in Korea. Presi dent Truman in a radio speech to the nation Monday said that America would tight Russia if necessary to prevent the conquest of the world by the Soviets. He said all free nations are exposed and in danger .... Club Re porter for the Lions Club says, “A good golfer and a good Lion mem ber have one thing in common: Both throw a lot of their weight behind their club.” . . . The Ers kine Congregational Church annual supper meeting will be held to night at 7 o’clock at the Church House .... Dr. Edmund M. Wylie, was the chief speaker on Monday night at the annual meet ing of the Daniel Boone Council Boy Scouters banquet. He em phasized the importance of adults giving young people guidance and \ the benefit of their experience . . . A. R. Eldred of Clementon, N. J., the first Boy Scout to attain the Eagle rank, in 1912, died January 5th at his home. He was a gradu ate of Cornell University and serv ed in the Navy in World War I. He was a railroad executive and leader in civic affairs . . Good weather is predicted for thq Carolinas for the next few days. Friendship Group Meets The; Friendship' Group of the Tryon 'First Baptist Church will meet Thursday night at 7 at the church. Each member will bring one dish of food for the supper. Jim Gibson will be the chief speak er and will talk about “Money”. HOSPITAL NEWS New patients over the week-end at St. Luke’s Hospital include Mrs. Hortense Adams, Tryon; Lindsey Smith, Columbus; John Higgins, Landrum; Walter Arledge, Lynn; Robert Painter, 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Painter, R-l, Landrum; Dewey Huggins, Wofford College student; Ann De Carmefi 7-year-old daughter of M*. and Mrs. George De Carme of Landrum, who was injured Mon day afternoon when struck by an automobile. Two colored patients: Paul Miller and Albert Murry of Mill Spring, who were injured in an auto accident Sunday. Patients discharged include Mrs. Joe D. Kerby of Tryon; Cecil Galloway, Tryon; M. G. Christo pher, Landrum; Mrs. Richard Green and daughter, Ann, of Try on; Mrs. Carter Wilkie Brown; Mrs. Alan Calhoun and daughter Amelia Nickels; Mrs. J. C. White sides and son, David Allen; Larry Cochran, two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cochran. Color ed patients included Jason Booker, Lynn and Mrs. Jessie Wingo and baby daughter, Carolyn Dianne. LIONS MEET TONIGHT Tryon Lions Club will meet to night at Oak Hall for supper and to hear a program presented by Mr. and Mra. Homer G. Anderson.