THE TRY!)SI DULY BULLET! The World’s Smallest daily Ne^ er. Seth M. Vining, Editor (Vol.24—No. 9) TRYON, N ^9° MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1951 (Est. 1-31-28) Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday 5c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 Weather Friday: :High 39, low 26, rain .11 (Snow IV2 inches) ; Saturday high 34, low 27, Rel. Hum. 76; Sunday high 52, low 22, Rel. Hum. 58 . . . The '’Spar tanburg Herald-Journal is plan ning a feature story soon on the Home Friendly Club and some other angles of general interest in Tryon .... A round table discussion by several Kiwanians is~ being planned for Tuesday’s meeting of the Kiwanis Club by Chairman Albert Simpson . . . Try on Boy Scout Troops One and Three attended church services on Sunday at the Congregational Church and heard Dr. Edmund M. Wylie speak on the Badge of Service which referred not only to the Boy Scout badge but also to the emblems of Masonry, Ro tary. Kiwanis, Lions and Chris tianity, (badges of humility—of service to others). The big Bird Dog Field Trials at Screven Lower Pasture will be held Saturday . . . Miss Valerie Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Johnson of Tryon appeared with the Bierea College Quartet Saturday on the Louisville, Ky., WAKS, Television Station. Miss Johnson sang a solo, “The Riddle Song” and gave the crow calls for the quartet when thev sang, “The Carrion Crow.” MRS. RANSOM NANNEY Mrs. Florence Ruppe Nanney, wife of! Ransom Nanney, and daughter of the late James and Sarah Jane Jackson Ruppe, died early Monday morning at her home in St. Petersburg, Fla. Funeral arrangements had not been completed at press time. Mrs. Nanney is survived by her husband and two children, Mrs. Frank Marello of St. Petesburg and Robert Nanney, and four grandchildren; also one. brother, Roland Ruppe, of Cooper’s Gap and four sisters, Mrs. C. V. El j liott, Columbus; Mrs. L. C. Gibbs, ! Mrs. Tom Womack and Miss Min nie Ruppe of Mill Spring. HOME FRIENDLY CLUB The Home Friendly Club will meet Thursday morning at 10:30 at the Tryon Bank & Trust Co. HOSPITAL NEWS New patients at St. Luke’s Hos pital include Lloyd Griffin, Tom Cannady of Tryon and two new babies; a daughter born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. David Lockhart of Landrum; and a son bom to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Siegfried of Tryon. Patients discharged include Mrs. Troy Turner, Saluda; Mrs. Neal Constance, Columbus; Miss Mary iLockhart, Miss Nancy McLeod, Miss Willie Laura Pace, Mrs. Mary Jones, all of Tryon and Luther Watson of Columbus. Landrum Masons Meet The Landrum Lodge No. 278 will meet Tuesday night at 7:30 for regular communication.