THE THVIIIII DULY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor (Vol. 24—No. 10) TRYON, N. C., TUESDAY, FEB. 13TH, 1951 (Est. 1-31-28) Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday 5c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 Weather Monday: High 70, low 26, Rel. Hum. 55 . . . Yesterday, Feb. 12th nearly all the nation honored Abraham Lincoln, not so ! much as a president, but for the 1 high ideals he held up for all the world to follow; and for his cour age and compassion .... Mrs. Martha Barr, County Librarian of Rutherford County, drove over to Tryon Monday to buy two Sketches of Polk County, by Sadie S. Pat ton. Every school in Polk County should have a copy of this book. As the number printed was small, those desiring to get these books should do so at once . . . Mrs. Robert L. Camp of Tryon Route 1 died Friday and was buried Sunday afternoon at 3. . . .Plans, are all set for the Bird Dog Field Trials Saturday at lower Screven Pasture. Among the dog owners entering dogs are Burlev Durham, Rev. A. C. Martin, Wiley White, Grady Ross, E. R. Hines, Ralph Cochran. Senator E. A. Westbrook, Clyde Hines, Horace Newman, Ernest Kerhulas, Dr. M. C. Pal mer, Birch Arledge, Jervey Dur ham, Dr. John Z. Preston . . New patients entered at St. Luke’s Hospital include Miss Lillian Mines, Mrs. Percy Lorie, Hender sonville; Miss Caroline H. Fabens, and G.. E. Wilson. Patients dis charged include Mrs. Chas. E. — Continued on Back Page__ Tryon Country Club—1951 At the meeting of the Board of Directors, of the Country Club on Monday the following officers and committees were announced for the year: President, Thomas J. Hair; vice president, John G. Landrum Jr.; secretary and treasurer, R. R. Benham. Committees include: Finance, Arthur W. Britton, chairman; James R. Trowbridge, J. C. Kimberly. Membership, Nelson Jackson, chairman; George W. Whitehead, R. H. Brady, A. R. Herron, A. R. Ford. Grounds and greens, K. A. Bowen, chairman; L. E. Sayre,. Baxter Haynes, Gaden Corpening, Albert Simpson, John G. Landrum Jr. (pool). House, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Burwell, chairmen, George Vance, Edward H. Sayre, Miss Eunice Kirtland, Mrs. K. A. Bowen, Mrs. Gaden Corpening. Tournament, James R. Gibson, chairman; L. E. Sayre, vice chair man ; Carroll P. Rogers, Miss Jane Brown, Mrs. Ernst Mahler Jr. Tennis, Mrs. George Newhall, chairman; Carter P. Brown, Mrs. R. B. White. Publicity, Seth M. Vining, chair man; George A. Dusenbury. Buys Golden Property Gunnard Rubini, formerly of Toledo, Ohio, who bought the Joel Stockard Disharoon property has purchased from Robert -N. Golding of Washington, D. C., the Falling Waters Farm on Columbus-Land rum highway. Sale made through Columbus Realty Co. Mr. and Mrs. Rubini are now in Miami, Fla.