CURB REPORTER _Continued from Page One_ Langley, Carol Ann Page, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Page of Columbus; Mrs. Glenn Flynn and son, Terry JBert of Landrum Route 1. Miss Ruby Hayes, student nurse at General Hospital, has return ed to Spartanburg after a week-end visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Hayes. Mrs. D. W. Kuhn is a guest at Oak Hall while Mr. and Mrs. George Wick are in Florida. Eugene Johnson of the U. S. Navy, is home for a visit with his mother, Mrs. Ethel Johnson, and both are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gunning. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Woody Jr., and small daughter, Suzanne, have returned to Philadelphia af ter a visit with Mrs. Samuel S. Woody and Dr. Austin Woody. DAILY BULLETINS—5c each. NEW COLORED CHURCH OPENS HERE SUNDAY The formal opening of the Church of the Living God (Holi ness) P. G. T., will be held Sun day morning, Feb. 18th, at 9:40 o’clock in the rear of the former Cotton Club on Cleveland Road in Tryon. Rev. M. C. Johnson, a native of Spartanburg, is the pastor and will preach the opening sermon. The public is invited. Rev. Johnson was reared in Ohio and was edu cated at Bloom College, Cincinnati. He is serving under the charter and leadership of Bishop W. M. Ferguson of Cincinnati and has been in Tryon during the past 10 months doing evangelistic work. The Spartanburg Herald reports the following local patients ad mitted to General Hospital dur ing the week-end: A daughter born to Mrs. Alice McEntire of Landrum on Saturday; Max Horne of Landrum Route 1; Patricia Blackwell and Elma Atkins of Landrum. We Have Lovely New ¥AUfmNE m FOR YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES TO BUY So Hurry! Make Everybody Happy. Before the 14th Goes By ! Lily Flower Shop (Owned by Mrs. Mary Dean Newman Morris)