THE TRYOI DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor (Vol.24—No.ll) TRYON, N. C., WEDNESDAY, FEB. 14, 1951 (Est. 1-31-28) Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday 5c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879_ Weather Tuesday: High 75, low 33, Rel. Hum. 56 . . . The see-saw continues in Korea. One day we are winning and the next we are retreating, but American leaders assure us that the situation is un der control . . . The citizens of Tryon lived through a change of administration for three hours Monday from 2 to 5 p. m., when the Boy Scouts took over the op eration of the town after being sworn in by Mayor C. D. Stevens The regular officials report the Scouts did a good job and learned a lot about the operation of muni cipal affairs. Scout Mayor Lyn wood Thompson reported the reign very successful from his stand point; that the Scouts inspected the water works, sanitary system. inspected the town for fire hazards, display of business licenses, park ing conditions, and fined one promi nent, person for parking opposite a fire hydrant. The street depart ment found a mudhole opposite the American Legion building and put in a load of sand, but Mayor Thompson said they were not in office long enough to finish the job and that it should be fixed before the next rain. Town Manager Ambrose Mills was kept busy answering complaints about many things lacking in the community. The program was very educational for the boys who in a few years _Continued on Back Page.. TO SPEAK HERE FRIDAY Rev. Kiyoshi Tanimoto The Rev. Kiyoshi Tanimoto, famous atom-bomb survivor and Oi nnator of the Hiroshima Peace Center will speak here Friday at 8 p. m., at the Congregational Church House under the sponsor shin of the Lanier Club and the Tryon Council of Church Women. Mrs. Ila Rhodes of Lynn has been discharged as a patient from St. Luke’s Hospital. L. F. Buchanan has returned from a business trip to Atlanta. Mr. and Mr*. Cary L. Page are on a visit to’ Florida. St. Luke’s Hospital is now fully approved by the American College of Surgeons.