THE TRIM DAILY BILIM The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor (Vol. 24—No. 12) TRYON, N. C., THURSDAY, FEB. 15TH, 1951 Published Daily Except (Est.^P31-28)Saturday and Sunday5c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOPPICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 Weather Wednesday: High 77, low 1 -. . . . Next to traveling abroad is the enjoyment of hear ing friends tell about their travels and seeing pictures of what' they saw. Tonight at 8 o’clock at the Tryon school P.-T. A., Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Burwell will show pictures of some of the interesting things they saw in Europe this past summer .... Last night the Lanier Library had 8 tables of bridge and 3 of Canasta, play ed for the benefit of the Library. There were other parties held in homes for the same benefit . . .Also the Skyuka Chapter of Eastern Star had a Valentine party at Rook’s Skating Rink which drew a large crowd of skaters, square dancers and canasta players. Re freshments were served. Miss Jane Brown won the door prize and Byron Rector the guessing con test .... The New York Times of Fridav mentioned in a headline Jhat a New Yorker won second place in ■ the first day’s session of Life Master Bridge Players in tue World Championship Con tract Bridge Tournament at Hotel La Salle. The reason the first place winner was not in the head lines- was because he was not a New Yorker. He was James C. Jackson of Tryon. Jackson had 237 points and his partner, the New Yorker, had 231. The Times . Continued ov Back Page SALUDA NEWS By Julia Ann Johnson The Saluda Book Club met Tues day afternoon at Crystal Springs apartments with Mrs. Mary Haf fenden. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Henry Clippard in the absence of Mrs. Roy Baisden. Mrs. Raymond Stephenson gave the book review “World Enough and Time”. Mrs. Baxter S. Moore and daughter, Ann, guests at the meeting. Refreshments were serv ed and the place ff the next meet ing will be announced later. Mrs. C. W. Mason has returned from a shprt visit in Hollywood, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Pace have bought the Methodist parson age on Greenville Street arid plan to make it their home. A new Methodist parsonage is be ing erected on the hill at the back of the church. W. C. Ashley is the contractor. The new stucco house, which is very modern, and will be finished about the last of March. The Intermediate G. A.’s met on Wednesday~afternoon with Lucille Ann Stephenson at her home “Green Acres”. Wedding bells have been ring ing .in Saluda this week. Miss Mary Tripp of Leesburg, Fla., daughter of Mrs. Ella Tripp, and Charles Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson, were married Tuesday, Feb. 13th, in Columbia. Miss Alma Rhodes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . Reese Rhodes and C. M. Stepp of Hen dersonville were married Satur day; Miss Helen Case, daughter of Mr. and Mr«. Clint Case, and Wiley Lawter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Lawter were married - cron tinned on Back Page...