Published Daily Except (Est. l^sl-28)Saturday and Sunday5c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DULY HELM The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor (Vol. 24—No. 16), TRYON, N. C., TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1951 Weather Monday: High 68, low 46, rain .43, Rel. Hum. 65 . . .Allies continue to win in Korea. Russia wants us to reduce our arms, . . . Little curls of gray smoke here and there indicate progress of the clean-up campaign and the begin ning of spring gardens. People in business or witR property to sell or rent realize the commercial value of keeping the community clean. And civic minded people who take pride in their community and homes know the mental and spiritual value of cleaner premises. Cleaning up helps everybody, even gives exercise for the one cleaning up .... . The Spartanburg Herald reports Marjorie Jackson of Landrum R-l and Christine Fitch of Landrum as patients in General Hospital.Reading The Bulletin 20 years ago first week in March, Mrs. E. G. Vollmer ' ;ra§ selling daffodils, Alexander Beatson was delivering The Ashe ville Citizen, apartment for rent at Spanish Court for $125 month. “John Raymond, a boy baby, w^s born Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Anderson of Cashiers. Mrs. Anderson was formerly Miss Mabyl Capps of Tryon.” . . Major Bernard Sharp addressed the Lanier Club mi “Modern Russia”. Miss Gelolo "Kell celebrated her fifth birthday. .... Hon. . T. T. Ballenger, first ... Covtivnrd on Back Page._ Polk County Tournament To Start Wednesday « The annual Polk County High School basketball tournament will start Wednesday night at 7 at thet Columbus gym. The schedule: Wednesday, Mar. 7: First game, Mill Spring vs. Green Creek (girls), second game, Mill Spring vs. Tryon (boys) ; third game, Tryon vs. Saluda (girls). Thursday, mar. 8: First game, Tryon vs. Green Creek (girls) ; second .game, Saluda vs. Green Creek (boys) ; third game, Mill Spring vs. Saluda (girls). Friday, Mar. 9: First game, Saluda vs. Tryon (boys); second game, Mill Spring vs. Tryon I (girls); third game, Mill Spring j vs. Green Creek (boys). Saturday, Mar. 10: First game, Mill Spring vs. Saluda (boys) ; second game, Green Creek vs. Sa luda (girls) ; third game, Green Creek vs. Tryon (boys). The first game of each night will begin at 7. The following games will begin 10 minutes after the end of the preceding one. HOSPITAL NEWS Admissions to St. Luke’s are as follows: Mrs. Virgil Pace of Saluda; Mrs. Leonard Wofford, Tryon; and .Belle Sheppard, color ed, of Tryon. The following pa tients were discharged: Mrs. W. B. Lawrence, Tryon; Mrs. J. B. Levi, Columbus; Miss Melissa Pack, Co lumbus; Mrs. John W. Peller and son, Stephen Craig, Campobello. The board of trustees of St. Luke’s Hospital gratefully ac knowledge the receipt of a gift from Mrs. Frances N. Williams to the memorial fund in memory of Mrs. John T. Creighton.