hospital news New patients at St. Luke & Hos pital include John B. Lockhart, 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lockhart of Lynn and Sara Carson of Mill Spring. Patients discharged include Mrs. D. D. Bradley of Tryon; Arbia Campbell of Landrum R-l and Caroline King, 7-year-old daughter of Theodore King. The Spartanburg Herald reports Francis Blackwood of Tryon as a patient at General Hospital. James Marion Littlefield, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Littlefield of Landrum is ill with mumps. NOTICE of sale o* BONDS $21,500 COUNTY OF POLK, NORTH CARO LINA SCHOOL BUILDING BONDS. Sealed bids will be received un til 11 o’clock a. m., Eastern Stand ard Time, May 8, 1951, by the undersigned at its office in the City of Raleigh, N. C., for $21,500 School Building Bonds of the County of Polk, North Carolina, dated May 1, 1951, and maturing annually on $1,000 1955 and 1956, and $2,000 1957 to 1965, inclusive, without option of prior payment. There will he no auction. Denominations: one bond of $500 and twenty-one bonds of $1,000 each; principal and semi annual (M and N 1) interest pay able in lawful money in New York City; coupon bonds registerable as to principal only; general obliga tions; unlimited tax; delivery at place of purchasers choice. Bidders are requested to name the interest rate or rates, not) ex ceeding six per cent per in multiples of one-fourth of one per cent. Each bid may name one rate for part of the bonds and another rate or rates for the bal ance, but no bid may name more than , three rates and each bidder must specify in his bid the amount of bonds of each rate. Each rate bid must be for bonds of corisecu . • W' tive maturities. The bonds will be awarded to the bidder offering to purchase the bonds at the lowest interest cost to the County, such cost to be determined by deducting the total amount of the premium bid from the aggregate amount of interest upon all of the bonds until their respective maturities. No bid of less than par and accrued in terest will be entertained. Bids must be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked “Proposal for Bonds” and be accompanied by a certified check upon an incorpor ated bank or trust company, pay able unconditionally to the order of the State Treasurer of North Carolina for $430. The right to re ject all bids is reserved. The ap proving option of Messrs. Reed, Hoyt & Washburn, New York City, will be furnished the purchaser. Local Government Commission, By: W. E. Easterling, Secretary of the Commission. April 26. MONEY TO CLEAN UP You can clean up your attic or basement and get good pay for the good things you no long er need. Open up those old trunks and boxes, and bring the idle china, jewelry, clothing and house hold goods that you don’t need now. We have more buyers than we have goods to sell, because the merchandise moves so fast when brought to us. RE-SALE POST Next to Lily Flower Shop