Brintnall’s Roses Win First Place At Show In Greenville With more than 1,000 blooms, or twice the number ever entered in previous shows, the third annual Greenville Rose Show of the Men’s Garden Club of Greenville was op ened to the public yesterday after noon for a two-day run in the old First National Bank Building on South Main Street. The event will be open again today from 1:30 un til 7 p. m. With more than 80 exhibitors bringing their finest to the show hall yesterday befbre noon, the show committee was pressed to the limit to get the show in order for the judges at the appointed time. As it was, interested spectators waited for some moments for the completion of the ribbon-handing out procedure. A. W. BrintnalJ of Tryon, N. C., well known rose fancier, won the sweepstakes award and also saw his Dainty Bess specimen ad judged as queen of the show. For winning the sweepstakes, Mr. Brintnall won the first leg on the McKissick silver bowl, offer ed to the exhibitor scoring the most points. Three sweepstakes must be won to get permanent possession. The exhibit was set up on the second floor of the building, the ground floor being reserved for the educational part of the show. On the first floor, rose culture demon strations, commercial exhibits and a colored movie on growing roses are scheduled at intervals for those interested in the culture side. Th" Men’s Garden Club leaf grinding machine is also on ex hibit. Attendance at the show was ex cellent in the opening hours of the public viewing of the event yester day and Chairman Roger Bourland looked for a record number to see the exhibits before closing time today.—Greenville News. Cpl. and Mrs. Howard Harrison of Wilmington and Camp Lejeune are spending a week with Cpl. Harrison’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Harrison. rI i! THE ;; jj SALAD SEASON jj j i is here and with all the tender, ;! «! fresh greens to tempt us, we for the emergency shelf! ;> BLUE RIDGE jj WEAVERS