Paul Ir Smith Returns To His Tryon Home Paul C. Smith, formerly assist ant advertising manager for Cater pillar Tractor Co., has recently been appointed district represen tative for the Carolinas and Northern Georgia, William C. Zeigler, eastern sales manager for the company has announced. Headquartering in Tryon, N. C., Smith will be responsible for com pany liaison between “Caterpillar” dealers within his territory. Smith joined Caterpillar Tractor Co., in Jan. 1:930 as a member of the sales department. A year later he was transferred to the adver tising department and in 1938 was named assistant advertising man ager. He was president of the Peoria Advertising & Selling Club; named a member of Alpha Delta Sigma, an honorary advertising fraternity, and for two years was vice president of the Advertising Federation of America. A graduate of Manual Training High School in Peoria, he later at tended the University of Illinois. While there he was initiated into Kappa Sigma fraternity. He was a member of the U. S. Army Field Artillery from 1916-1917. Mr. Smith is the husband of the former Miss Dorothy Double day of Tryon, a sister of Mrs. J. S. Blackwell. They will occupy “Another Thicket” in Gillette Woods, home of Mr. Smith’s moth er, Mrs. Arthur G. Smith, who is returning to Illinois to live with another son and family. When the Paul Smiths lived in Tryon about 20 years ago they were prominent in church and civic affairs, especially-the Drama Fort nightly. Mr. Smith was manager of large real estate promotions in cluding Hogback Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hancock at tended home coming at Dover, their old home church in Moore County, N. C., Sunday. FOR SALE: Pontiac, 8 cylin ders, very good condition, good tires. A bargain. Can be seen at Burnette’s Gulf Station.—Adver tisement 18, 21, 23, 25c. COMMUNICATIONS Mr. C. C. Tharpe, Tryon, N. C. Dear Sir: Your wire just received, and many thanks for your inquiry. As the telegraph office was closed, thought it best to write to you instead. The Don Robinson Circus is still here in Young Harris, Ga., and trying to re-organize and repair damages that was caused in a truck accident coming over the mountains. Just when it will be ready is indefinite, so believe it would be best for you to refund the advance ticket sales. We realize this has been an in convenience for you all, and we are sincerely sorry, but wiH try to contact you as soon as possible for a future showing. Clarence Auskings, Agt. Mr. Tharpe advises all persons who have bought tickets to return them to the one who sold them and get their money. HOMES — FARMS BUILDING SITES 25 Years Service in All G. H. BRIDGEMAN & SON Tel. Office 101 Res. 434-J Real Estate and Rentals CIVIC at Landrum MONDAY and TUESDAY George Raft and Virginia Mayo in “RED LIGHT” WEDNESDAY, ONLY Tim Holt in “MASKED RAIDERS” Plus Short Subjects. Mat. 3:30 J. B. Hester, Insurance Since 1905; W. M. Hester, Real HESTER REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGENCY Phofie No. 37, Tryon " Estate Since 1923