MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT “THE PRESCRIPTION STORE” OWEN’S PHARMACY. Phone 202. WALGREEN AGENCY. CHOIR PRACTICE The Congregational Church Choir will practice Thursday night at 8 o’clock at the church. The Annual reunion of the Jack son family will be held at Harmon Field, Tryon, the first Sunday in August, - Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Blackmon of Kershaw, S. C. are visiting Mrs. Blackmon’s mother, Mrs. Lula Car penter. in Landrum. jmMxs. C. W. Morgan and Miss ^^■en Morgan are visiting Mrs. ^mlliam Rockhill at Lake Wawa see, Ind. They will be accompained by Mrs. W. F. Little who will visit her sister in Evansville, Ind. Miss Juanita Edwards of the Blue Ridge Weavers is on her vaca tion this week. Mrs. - Mary Lou Roberts and' daughter, Miss Jacqueline Roberts of Mount Vernon, N. Y. who have been visiting their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Mapes, left today for their home accompanied by Mrs. H. Lan Moore who will visit her daughter, Mrs. Morgan H. Warner and husband in Mt. Kisco, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Allen and mother, Mrs. E. O. Allen, nee Polly Lawrence of Washington D*. are visiting relatives in Tryon Ppd Hendersonville. . Insulaire ROCK WOOL insula tion keeps your home cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Easy F. H. A. terms. Superior In sulation Co. Hendersonville, N". C. For free estimates contact Arthur Atkins, Columbus. N. C.— FOR SALE: 4 year old milk cow and her 6 weeks old male calf. Cow gives 4 gallons daily. Half White face. Apply to Ernest Smith, Lynn, N. C.—Adv. 23, 24c. Now is the time to install your Kresky Oil furnace. You need only 36 inches clear ance under your house to install. Don’t wait until cold weather is here. The Ballenger Go.—Adv. Attractive Apartment FOR RENT Centrally Located PHONE 91 MRS. B. KING COUPER LAKE SUMMIT PLAYHOUSE Tuxedo, 7 miles North of Saluda, Route No. 176 A Broadway Success “BUT NOT GOODBYE” Starring Dan Hogan Evenings Tuesday through Saturday at 8:16; Mat inees Wednesday and Saturday at 2:80 Prices: 88c, $1.20; $1.80; $2.40 Children Half Price Evenings—Matinee 00c Phone Hendersonville 4681 for Reservations.