Your Neighborhood DRUGGIST for Over Half A Century. MISSILDINE’S PHARMACY “The Resell Store.” Phone No. 4 Mrs. Tom Staton celebrated her 60 th birthday July 25th. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Grover Knight on Saturday, July 21st in St. Louis, Mo. a son. Mrs. Knight was before her marriage, Miss Mary Julia Forrester of Sa luda. ■ For Sale: 115% acre farm on Highway 9; 7-room house, elec tricity, well pump, large creek, school bus service, community churches; ideal for dairy; 125,000 ft. timber. See or write G. L. Col lins, Rt. 1. Tryon, N.C ad20,23, 25,27,30,ag.3p FOR SALE c o L U M B U s 1-dory, compact, economy houw. 4 room*, IWh* men with dining space, 2 bedroom*, kitchen, bath. ■D A COMPLETE SERVICE using American Homes, Inc., Prefabricated Homes — also — Conventional Construction Available Financing FHA 4*4 % Loans 61 4 % Loans Conventional Loans Minimum Down Payments GI Minimum Down Payment 5% of Purchase Price POLK COUNTY BUILDERS CORP. Tryon, North Carolina Phone 125 J