PuMiahed Daily Except (Eat. 1-31-28_Saturday and Sunday5c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OP CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DULY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vinvug, Editor Vol. 24—No. 239 TRYON. N. C.. TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1951 Weather Monday: High 91, low 62, Rel. Hum. 68. The United Na tions and Communists still nego tiating for plan to talk peace and each accusing the other of un faithfulness . . . The item in Mlonday’s Curb Reporter about see ing a package addressed to 1>. L. Sawhill at Tryon from D. L. Saw hill of Ohio brought forth the news from friends that Mr. and Mrs. Sawhill are really moving to Tryon this time to make their home. This will be happy news to many friends. The Sawhills came here for his health and stay about 5 years until business: its forced them ;to return During their stay here Mjr. Sawhill became a member of the Kiwanis Club, treasurer, of the Congregational Church and for over 4 years made three recordings daily of the temperature at his home on Godshaw Hill. He, repro duced three readings on a chart and made blue prints of them for distribution at cost to all who de sired them. On his fourth yearly chart he added the humidity read ing. The Sawhills will be welcome to Tryon. They are arriving next week to make their home in Ar thur Laidler Jones’ Wickham apartment at the corner of First St”et and Whitney Avenue . . . came n< Ktiirest ^rorth. FARTHING INFANT Little Meredith Lynn Farthing, four-weeks-old infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Farthing, passed away Monday afternoon about 3:30. V Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 4 o'clock at Mc Farland Funeral Home with Dr. C. E. Scarborough officiating. Besides her parents the baby is survived by one sister, Joyce, 14; a brother, Donald, 10; maternal grandmother, Mrs. E. R. Davis, of Tryon and paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Farthing of Boone, N. C. ROBERT F. ANDREWS Robert F. Andrews, 64, of Land rum, well known retired Southern Railway station agent, died Mon day morning at 5:30 after sev eral months declining health. Mr. Andrews was station agent at Tryon on two separate occasions about 15 years, apart. He was a leader in the Tryon Methodist Church and a president and di rector of the Tryon Kiwanis Club during his last stay here. He had served as agent at a number Of towns on the Southern System. He Was a son of the late William and Eliza Andrews. The deceased is survived by his wife; three daughters, Mrs. Mary Christopher of Landrum, Miss Helen Andrews of Dothan, Ala., and Mrs. Clara Bowman of Wenat chee, Wash,; five sons, Coach Rob ert F. Andrews Jr., of Brevard College; W. E. Andrews of Brazil, South America; Chaplain J. R, Andrews of the TJ. S. Armed Forces in Korea; F. L. Andrews —...Continued On Back Pager!_