Published Daily Except (Est. l-31-2e _Saturday and, SundayBe Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYOJf DULY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 24—No. 246 TRYON. N. C.. THURSDAY. AUGUST 30. 19S1 Weather Wednesday: High 87, low, 68, Rel. Hum. 75 . . . Traffic at the Mill Spring crossroads is getting terrific and accidents or near accidents frequent. The Duke Power Co., has received an order to have a red and green light put up there. Last week a prominent civic leader of South Carolina was arrested for failing to See the STOP sign. There are so many other signs near the STOP sign that some motorists say they do not see it. The electric red and green sign should be visible. An other forward movement is the ndbu^ of the- State Highway to njSghten the road through Lynn fBRT to build a new bridge wide enough for traffic both ways. This stretch of the highway is danger-" ous. A new road behind the Bap tist Church and Story’s Store would be a blessing to thousands of mo torists and maybe save some lives as well as time and worry. At the same time the change should relieve the parking situation in front of Story’s Store and the Church, making it safer for customers of the store and worshippers in the church and Sunday school. Every progressive movement of this kind improves property of the individual owners and promotes the general welfare of the county . . . Com plaints have • been heard lately ...—Continued On Back Page,— GOAT SHOW RESULTS At the Second Annual Show of the Western Carolinas Dairy Goat Association held at Harmon Field, Saturday afternoon, the Breed Championship awards, for which the Junior and Senior Champions of each breed completed, went to Walnua Valley Sara, owner L. V. Harris of Marion, for Alpines; to Vida Chico Sensation, owned by Mrs. Frank J. Vida, of Hender sonville, for Nubians; and to Chimney Rock Jan Jingle, owned by Mr. and Mrs. David Lindsay, of Rutherfordton, for Toggen burgs. Dr. Stanley G. Brandeen, officiating as judge, gave no Best of. Breed award for Saanens, there being only 7 animals of this breed exhibitsd, while there were 37 Toggenburgs, the breed with the largest number of entries in the show. • Junior Champions of kids and yearlings not in milk were: Al pine, Walnut Valley Charlotte, owner, Mr. and Mrs. Harris, of Marion; Nubian, Vida Chico Sen sation, the Breed Champion; Saan en, Miriam of Chikaming, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sandburg and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Gol bv, of Plat Rock; and Toggenburg, Chikaming Jan Jasmine, also from the Sandburg-Golby herd. For Senior Champion' of does in milk, the winners were: Alpine, Walnut Valley Sara, the Breed Champion; Nubian, Luera’s Mir hoda’s Girl, owned by Mrs. Vida; and Toggenburg, Chimney Rock Jan Jingle, Breed Champion. The awards in the various class es were as follows: Alpine—kids, first, Luern's Leota, owner, Mrs. Ernest P. Hall Jr., Columbu#; second, Monique of Furn Hill, owned bv Neal Hall, Columbus; -Continued, on Page Twelve-.—