THE TRVOH DAILY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 24—No. 255 TRYON, N. C., WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12, 1951 (Eat. 1-81-28 Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday 5c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFPICB _AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OP CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 - Wf. Weather Tu ^ay: High 85, low 61, Rel. Hum. 65 . . . Congratula tions to the Polk County 4-H Club members on the splendid showing their calves made in the Asheville show. Those friends of young peo ple who are contributing prizes will feel richly rewarded . . . The Crusade for Freedom Motorcade came to Polk County Tuesday en route acrdss North Carolina from Murphy to Manteo. The motorcade was met at each county line by the Highway Patrol of the district and escorted to place of perform ance. Mayor C. D. Stevens and the Tryon Police Department did a good job of setting off a section of Trade Street and routing traffic across the railroad. Over 100 Tryon high school students joined the firowd in front of Foodland to at tend the program. Miss Phoebe Norton, Raleigh radio commenta tor, was mistress of ceremonies and told of the purpose of the Crusade for Freedom: to unite our friends behind the iron curtain and to give them hope to resist the Russian lies and take a stand for freedom. Two balloons were released! from a special truck demonstrating how millions of leaflets are being sent over the iron curtain. A recorded talk by Drew Pearson was given over the public address system tell ing the effect this propaganda is _Continued, on Back Page_ POLK DAIRY CALVES WIN AT ASHEVILLE SHOW The grand champion of the Jersey breed was won by Roy Jack’s Pierce Motor Acceleration at the Western North Carolina Junior Dairy Show held near Ashe ville Tuesday. The Asheville Citi zen today had a picture of the cow held by Kermit Nichols of Tryon R-l. Roy was ill and could not be present. Jimmy Martin, who won a blue ribbon for best Holstein, also took first place in show for fitting. The showing of all Polk County calves was outstanding. They took 15 first place ribbons, 14 sec ond piace winners and two third places. County Agents Paul Culberson and Earl Carter accompanied the young people to Asheville. The complete list of winners are as follows: Blue ribbons—Jimmy Martin, Rebecca Cantrell, Dempsy Arledge, Libby Jack, Bobby Joe Fagan, Reba Wilson, Jack Terry Emerson, Annie Powell, Robert Lee Shu ford in, Neal Rollins, Roy Jack. Red ribbons—Nell Dean Smith, Lewis Cantrell, Bobby Gene Mc Carter. Gerald Stott, Donald Sear cy,’Charles Earley, Jean Higgins, Wayne Stott, Lucy Rhodes, Mar lene McSwain, Billy Tom Led better, Marion Womack, Johnny Shytle, Ray Jackson. White ribbons—Preston McEnr tire,. Dupree Calvert. In showmanship of Guernseys, Bobby Gene McCarter got second place. In fitting of Guernseys, Dempsey Arledge took fourth place. In showmanship of Jerseys with -Continued oil Back Page_