0 Rubbished Daily Except (E8t. 1-31-2S_Saturday and Sunday_6c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE P08T0FFICH _at tryon, n. c. under the act op congress, march 3, 1879 THE TRIM DAILY lUli The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper. Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 24—No. 256 TRYON. N. C.. THURSDAY7 SEPT. 13TH. 1951 Weather Wednesday: High 89, low 52, Rel. Hum. 52 . . . Defense Secretary George C. Marshall has resigned. That was part of his plan as soon as the Jap treaty was completed . . . . Former Senator Congressman Wm. B. Umstead has announced for governor. Asheville area has been expecting D. Hiden Ramsey, Citizen-Times newspaper executive and noted state civic leader to announce or bex drafted. Ramsey in addition to being a good business man is also an educator and speaker of note and would take to the governor's office those necessary qualifications of leader ship, administrative experience and an understanding of the prob lems of the people in many walks of life and fields of endeavor. Mr. Umstead is recognized as an able man. Whether he will be challenged by the Ramsey forces is causing speculation .... Chester Bowles, former Connecticut governor and Ration Administrator has been appointed ambassador to India and Loy W. Henderson named ambas sador to Iran . . . Coming down to the local situation many expres sions of appreciation have been' heard on the way the town officials are making minor improvements that benefit so many people, and also on the improved parking situation .... The people them —Continued on Back Page_I SALUDA NEWS LETTER By Julia Ann Johnson. Mjiss Ann Holbert, daughter of Mr; and Mrs. J. S. Holbert, has entered the General Hospital in Spartanburg for nurses training. Miss Holbert graduated from the Saluda High School last May. New arrivals at the Saluda Inn are, Mrs. Elsie M. Jarvis, Wyre, Worcestershire, England and Hav ana, Cuba. Miss Catharine A. Deyes, Havana, Cuba., from the Netherlands Legation; Revs. Wil liam and Wilna Constable, Orlan do, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Bowen, Berea, O.; Miss Lucy Collette, Tampa, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. William, Holly Hill, S. C., and Washington, D. C., and Miss Irene Anderson, Char lotte. Col. Marvin Bennett of Saluda Inn is visiting his brother, Dr. Carl Bennett of Spartanburg for a few days. Miss' Betty Anna Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs- Richard Thompson, left last week to teach English and Spanish for the third year at the Robbins School in Robbins, N. C. Miss Nancy Thompson, graduate of the 1951 Saluda High School has entered the Blanton's Business College in Asheville. Mrs. J. E. Bishop Linney of Cov ington, Ky., is visiting her father, P. A. Bishop. Miss Katie Lee Robertson and Miss Mary Elizabeth McCallister of Greensboro, N. C., spent last week-end with Mrs. Maude Bishop McCallister. Misses Mamie and Luly Shand, who have been at their summer cottage for some time left Monday for their home in Columbia, S. C. Robert Johnson, son of Mr. and —__Continued on Back Page_