McMullan Hands Down 5 State Law Opinions Raleigh.—The right of a game warden to trespass on private prop erty is limited, Attorney General Harry McMullan declared today in a digest of opinions. McMullan stated a deputy game protector of the Wildlife Resources commission has no right to tres pass on private property after hav ing been forbidden to do so un less he has a search warrant or other lawful process. In other opinions, McMullan wrote: Cities and towns with a popu lation under 1,000 are not author ized bv the general law to hold beer-wine elections. Violation of the law against pub lic use of State-owned vehicles is a misdemeanor and subjects vio lators to removal from, office. There is no legal authority for a register of deeds to lUhke correc tions on or alter marriage licenses or certificates. A county commissioner who is a partner in an insurance agency may not sell insurance to the county even though the policy may be issued by a partner who is not a member of the board.—Charlotte Observer. Kathryn Pye, one of the five members of the freshman class at Winthroo College has been award ed an honorary scholarship for this year. This scholarship is given unon recommendation of the fac ulty which takes into considera tion .both academic work and gen eral deportment of the student. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pye of Inman.—Spar tanburg Herald. (Mr. Pye is agent at Tryon for the Southern Rail way).—T. D. B. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Walcott have returned from the East where they took their daughter, Miss Betsy Walcott, to Hood College at Frederick, Md., and son, John Walcott at Darrow School in New York. Miss Martha Brent of Hinsdale, 111., is visiting her brother, Walter Brent, and family at Brentwood. COMING TO COLUMBUS Blue Ridge Night Hawks —with— PAN HANDLE PETE —at— STEARNS SCHOOL Saturday, September 22nd At 8:00 p. m. Sponsored by Fire Dept. FOR SALE: One Registered Jersey heifer, 12 months old, price $175. One registered Jersey heifer, 8 months old, price $150. R. L. Shuford Jr., Weaverbarton Dairy, Tryon, N. C.—Adv. 20, 24p. DAILY BULLETINS—5c each. STEAK, any cut, lb.-90c PORK LIVER, pound-29c PORK CHOPS', pound-_65c CURED HAM, center cut, pound for_J9Qc Yard EGGS, doz-59c, 69c HENS, dressed and drawn, pound_49c Alaska Pink SALMON_55c PERK, package_ IVORY SOAP, 2 large 15c 29c Armour’s Pork & Beans. -10c COTTON SEED MEAL, 100 pounds_$3.75 COTTON SEED HULLS, 100 pounds_.$1.50 16% DAIRY FEED .$3.76 FROZEN Foods iiftlude Straw berries, Blueberries, Spinach, Turnip Greens, English Peas, Lima Beans, Green Beans, Corn, Asparagus, Shrimp, ‘ Cat Fish, Red Perch. C. E. BLANTON’S Phene 2141 COLUMBUS, N. C.