j B. Frank Carruth, Landrum, S. C., Tel. 10.5 j General Electric J Refrigerators . . . Ranges . .. Home Freez | Machines . . . Water Heaters, Etc. (Liberal Trade-In Allowances) Jim Jackson will leave this week-end to visit Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bunte in Atlanta, Ga. The Boy Scout Court of Honor will be held Monday night at 7:45 at the Tryon school building. An '^tolorer Advisors and Scouters vj-Jundtable meeting and supper will be held at 6:30 o’clock. The national average support price for 1951 crop corn will be $1.57 per bushel, the tJ. S. De partment of Agriculture has an nounced. Apple bruising, which costs growers, packers, and distributors an estimated 10 million dollars annually, can be greatly reduced with the use of improved equip ment and by careful handling from orchard to market. FOR SALE: Lonergan j Oil Heater with necessary pipe# anq in excellent condition. Wu for half price. Phone 11#-^— Advertisement 10, 11, Come in and get your FREE pair of blotter^ boots. /They are smart, and/they^are free. Come in and ma^er'your own, it’s fun. Angj^ws Furniture Co.—Adv. tf. DAILY BULLETINS—5c each. Work refreshed j Coca-Cola Bottling Company Forest City, N. C. Lake Lanier DRIVE-IN THEATRE (The Latest News Release Monday and Tue&fyy) Thursday, Friday, Oct. 11,12—Greer Garson, Walteu/pidgeon in “MINERVA STORv” Saturday, October 13—The BoweryyBoys in “BLONDE DYNAMITE” Also, Johnny Mack Brown in “FIGHTING RANG! Sunday, October 14—Rory Calhoun, “COUNTY Plus: Cartoon. Mon., Tues.,. Oct. 15, 16—Barbara Stanwyc “TO PLEASE / Plus: Cartoc