(Est. 1-31-28) Published Daily Except Saturday and Sunday 5c Per Copy ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AUGUST 20, 1928, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT TRYON, N. C. UNDER THE ACT OF CONGRESS, MARCH 3, 1879 THE TRYON DULY BULLETIN The World’s Smallest daily Newspaper.Seth M. Vining, Editor Vol. 24—No. 285 TRYON, N. C.. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24, 1951 Weather Tuesday: High 65, low 61, rain .50, Rel. Hum. 81. . . . It is reported that Truman will not present name of Ambassador to the Vatican until next year . . . Talk to be resumed in Korea while the fighting continues. Gen. Van denberg says the pilots flying for the Korean Reds speak Russian. Surely, that’s no surprise . . . Miss Mae Irene Flentye has received a letter from hadquarters stating that any kind of usable clothing would be accepted by the Koreans, even thin summer clothing. The letter stated that ten million peo ple with no clothing and no money ^■kbuy any are glad to get any ^lig that will help cover their uiraies in cold weather. The Tryon group of volunteer workers has already sent to Korea six express boxes and two parcel post packages to make a total of 200 pounds of clothing. Clothing to be donated may be left at the Congregational or Episcopal ^hurch house . . . The Isothermal Dental Society includ ing members from adjoining coun ties will have dinner meeting to night at Oak Hall hotel at 7. Dr. J. E. Derby and Dr. Everett Moser will be the clinicians . . . S|Sgt. Frank Wall of the U. S. Marines is on a tour in the Caribbean near Porto Rico, and Mrs. Wall and daughter, Cynthia, are visiting Mr. _- Continued on Back Pqge.., Country Club Trio Rivals The Andrews Sisters ! The Tryon Country Club Wo men’s Golf Association awarded this year’s winners their trophies in a most tuneful way at a lun cheon at the club on Tuesday. Polly Bennett, Ellen Bowen and Ethel Burwell sang the very clev er words of presentation (written by Polly) and thus afforded much fun to all who attended. Delicious food was prepared by “Bert” Anderson, Frances Bissell, Eleana Garcia and Gladys Vining. The golf awards were as follows: To Libby Mahler, the Woman’s Championship trophy; the Low Medalist prize and the Low Ringer prize (for the first half of the golf season); to Jane Brown, the Championship Runner-up trophy, and the Low Ringer prize (for the second half of the season), to Mary Stratford, the Consolation Flight trophy; to Julia Brady, the ' Consolation Flight Runner-up tro phy; and to Jane Shaffer a prize “for the greatest improvement in her game.” All the women golfers have en joyed -the past season so much and feel so keenly that the non golfers are missing a great deal by not having any planned activities at the club, that the Golf Asso ciation has now decided to sponsor a Bridge Tournament which they hope will interest every member of the club. The first bridge party \vill be at the club on Tuesday, Nov. 27th, and a letter will be sent to all members inviting their par ticipation in such an event.—M. Vance, Reporter. The gathering of the Scottish Clans will take place this afternoon at the Betty Sturgis Shop,